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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Hi Shawn, sorry for all the questions but trying to dig deeper into the rabbit hole:-)
I finally get the feeling of the sword but I noticed I didn’t lead with the left hand but was cupping the left wrist at impact (I think).
When I reach the finish position my left wrist/hand is basically 90 degrees like a waiter caring a plate of beer glases. It’s hard to see in the video but it looks like the wrist should be straight at finish so I’m think I’m either releasing to much to my left or maybe have week wrists? Any othe video I can check out?

Shawn Clement

Do a top spin backhand in ping pong or use the hammer like I show in the video; see how the weight of the hammer does the work and allow the hand to turn and re-hinge without letting go of the grip. See also “turbo charge lead hand release” and “snap release polish”


will try it asap, I feel my left forearm is very sore.

Shawn Clement

Yes, this means you are fighting the club and trying to place it! Play some table tennis and hit some top spin back hands; the move is the same with the left arm and hand.

Edwin Fitzgerald

Hi Shawn,

I am feeling the release and ball flight is good. But I am consistently starting to left of Target. I suspect I may be off somewhere in my setup. When I move the ball forward in my stance it did fly to my target line. Is this the type of feel adjustment I need to make based on ball flight direction?

Thank you,



Hi Shawn, I love throwing the clubs and it’s my go to thought. However, my issue with this video is that I can perform this easily without the ball but once I go for the ball, my shots goes all over the place and I don’t feel I have control over what I am doing. Any advice on that? Thanks in advance.


Thanks for all of the golfing information you have given though Wisdom in Golf. I have been utilizing your methods for approximately a month and a half now with much success. I have alway been a bit of a fade/slicer with a glancing blow which has affected my distance especially with driver. I have always been able to control my shots and have stayed generally in the fairway and on or close to greens. Doing so has resulted in holding off a release of the hands.
My results since utilizing your techniques have produced a solid hit on the ball and more distance with all clubs. I have not seen an increase in club head speed though. I am concerned that I am still not using a release of the hands that i need to develop.

Any thoughts?

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