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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn I have not been a player that uses the wrist and would like to add the additional leverage and when practicing the wrist hinge I fade/slice the ball especially with the driver, is there something I’m missing or is there drill to help learn this important step?



Hi Shawn!

I’ve been working on “Lead Hand Release” as well as “Feet Together” and what an amazing difference already in ball height 🙂

W/ Lead Hand Release am I gripping the club a bit more my lead hand or would you say keep the same amount of grip pressure with both hands?



I had my son video my swing yesterday and I am definitely not fully completing my backswing which leads me to start manipulating from the top and my lead arm is not fully rotating or releasing me into the finish. I have sent you video and had Skype lessons and you recommended that I watch this video, get some backswing levitation, practice hitting drivers 175 yds, ping pong release along with watching best downswing weight shift and weight shift walking. I have been in a funk b/c I have been using my “40 bits of information “ and sabotaging my swing thinking about all of this. I have played better the past week just thinking about cutting grass and I had planned on coming to Montreal for inperson lessons before COVID-19. I feel that I understand all of this and I often throw clubs often what would you recommend I work on to improve this. I will send a video. Thank you for your reply.


Hi Shawn – Great video. This my main drill now. Question… so after I gather the club at the top, and feel the weight of the club as I collect it… I get the feeling the lead side pulling the base of the club down and to the target. Is this correct? Also, I put a laser pointer at the base of a club…. top of the back swing it should point on the wall behind me and stop before changing direction (your levitate vid) and then follow the path inside the ball and pointing to the target on the collect phase. Trying to ensure that the trail hand is just along for the ride on the downswing. Does this make sense? And is this correct?


Ah! Thanks for the readjustment. The analytical engineer in me needs to get off the course (ha). I went through the kinetic chain series, but I’ll go back to revisit it once again. Thanks for your help and the quick reply.


Hey Shawn, after analyzing my swing, this was one of the videos you made sure I watch/learn. In practice on the range and during a round on the course, after trying to work on this, I tend to hit my irons extremely right off the club face (I’m right-handed)? Clearly I’m doing something wrong. I’ll keep up the practice but thought you may be able to pin-point it for me? Thanks as always.

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