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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Zyman marzuki

Hi Shawn,

I’ve tried to increase my current grip pressure (about a 4/5) to what you’ve prescribed which is an 8/9.
Problem is when doing so, my forearms and arms feel tense and my swing tempo starts going haywire! My dad commented that it looks like I’m trying to kill the ball.

Is this a question of me not having strong enough fingers? Or do I need to keep at it and get used to it.

Love your teachings Shawn thank you

Zyman marzuki

FYI I use graphite shafts on all my clubs except the wedges, not sure if this matters

Zyman marzuki

Many thanks Shawn and noted on the strain…your advice to hit driver only 200 yards or 1/10 effort has really fixed my long game

Thomas Kihr

Hello Shawn!

Just finished the constructions on my Home-Indoor-Simulator and was able to hit a good amount of shots into my impact screen finally and to monitor my results with skytrak.
I found out that we often (or at least me) tend to think a strong grip (2,5 or 3 nuckles) equals a closed club face. Definitely I discovered that could be pretty wrong 🙂

And here is a question arising concerning the grip:

When trying to fade shots, should I keep my strong grip but change the club face to a) neutral b) open or c) closed (but a bit less than as for a draw)

Many thanks for your reply already in advance.
Best regards, Thomas

Eckhart Diestel

Hi Shawn,
your knife analogy is just spot on. With pressure of the base joint of the right index against the shaft, thus opposing the right ring and middle finger, the ball flight is distinctly more predictable for me, compared to holding mostly with ring and middle finger only, while rather loosely opposing that with the index and the thumb. I did not expect this to be so important for the ball flight. This little detail gives me the feeling of actual control.


Everyone this is so relevant! I revisit the reason for a strong, relaxed grip every few months just because I know it can change – get “loose” and the club face /swing send me like the ball way off target! If you have the time – the whole series on grip is fantastic!


Hi Shawn,
I am a beginner. I can’t remedy this problem: I tend to look up and toward the target, before hitting the ball. Is there a way I can improve my shot.?

Shawn Clement

Yes, you bet! Did you see our beginner series? The key is to stay with your task until it’s done. The best task for you right now is the grass cutting task. See “grass whip training” video and perform the drills in there and become very good at them and you will improve at light speed!


Thank you Shawn. I will do that.

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