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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Hi Shawn, I just joined you premium subscription but looking at you on youtube for a few months. I am a beginner golfer (about 4 months now…54 years old, back surgery for a career in Army). Your stuff and personality are FANTASTIC and give me hope!

This is my first question here (and the the first of many, probably).

I understand the grip, in theory, but with the controlling grip (versus sloppy, too easy, which is what I had before), is the idea that you release the club and consciously roll the arm and hands over during the release, or is that a natural, non-conscious effect of the hands moving through the release point? When I practice one-arm sword drills (which was a light bulb moment for me for the cock, swing, release, recock) with each hand and feel the incredibly easy whipping that I never felt before, it seems like I do not have to think very purposely on timing the release.

But when I put both hands together, and have a sufficiently secure grip, it seems like I lose some of that intuitive feeling of the release point and timing. And when I loosen my grip to where it feels sloppier again, the club seems to release on its own.

Hoping you could advise me here.

BTW, I tried your swing (or my best effort at it) yesterday at the range for the first time with my 7 iron (the only club I took so I wouldn’t have too much variation trying to learn), and I hit it 180 yards, straight, over and over and felt like it was so easy I was laughing out loud. I am not a natural golfer and have never been able to hit far or make consistent contact, so this was huge for me!!! You rock!

Thanks for any advice!


Hi Shawn, Good stuff. Can you tell me or point to the vid that talks about the tees you have setup on the driving mat? I am thinking they are for some type of alignment?


Did I miss a change in the grip. Thought the lead hand was diagonal along the life line and under the heal pad. I now it looks like you are advocating for more in the fingers. Is that correct or not.

Charlie Zahari

Shawn i’m a right hand golfer former D1 pitcher. I have a hard time keeping pressure where’d my right thumb pad overlaps the left thumb. The bigger my swing the bigger that instability. I have a natural tendency to let my right elbow get away from my body. Any thoughts or video suggestions?


Hey Shawn, congratulations, you’ve got me to join. So, first question, wrapping the trail hand index finger around the the club. Is there a specific feeling when drawing the club back with this index finger? I have heard several different things regarding the index finger on the trail hand. One is more indirect from Hogan, and it may not be related to the index finger, but Hogan said (paraphrasing – could have this wrong) something along the lines of setting the bow or arrow with the backswing. This would lead me to believe a person would used the tip of the index finger to engage the club during the backswing, is this correct? And the thumbs purposes – I’ve heard that there should be no pressure or engagement with the trail hand thumb. This kind flies in the face on your tangerine feel, correct? Anyway, happy to be aboard.

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