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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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I notice in other videos , like the new one posted on YouTube. , it appears that you are closing the face of club and then your secondary tilt , makes it open. But on this video , you appear not doing that! Getting confused , what angle club head position should be at the ball?


Hi Shawn, Q here. Just wondering, I found that I really need to get my right hand involved as I tend to pull so hard I sometimes forget to throw with my right. At some point a while back I realised that my right hand was too close, too far over my left which was hampering it’s ability to get involved. This is about a year ago now. So I moved my right hand a little lower and suddenly had all this whip, it was awesome.

But, I find now that after a while my right pinkie starts to hurt as it’s stretching to reach my left pinkie, as I’ve moved my right a little further down the grip, which feels like a powerful position.

So, where to from here? Moving my right closer feels like it’s weaker again, not able to take command and throw as it should. I’ve recently been fitted to a new shaft and as part of that ordered midsize grips, as I had 4 papers under a plus4 standard grip up until now. Not sure if that will help at all, I’m still waiting for my clubs to arrive.

I’m fine otherwise with the grip, I get a sense of real connection and power when I’m gripping as I do, but I feel I shouldn’t be experiencing any discomfort. Should I just get them closer together and get used to it? A baseball grip does not feel good. Overlapping feels weak again.



Ok, I’ll have a feel with the new grips. I’ll try shifting my right a little higher and experimenting with that as well. Baseball grip just feels like the hands will struggle to act in unison. I think there’s potentially a sweet spot in there somewhere with the interlocking grip. Perhaps now that I’m throwing the club lot better I can get away with it being a little closer.


Hi Shawn,

Do you have any guidance regarding grip size? As long as I’ve played I’ve had issues with the grip feeling awkward in my hand. I tend to have/want to milk it a bit and rarely quite get perfectly comfortable.

I’ve played standard my entire life and recently started experimenting with a midsize grip on one of my irons.



I hope you are not indicating, pressure on right hand grip or tight grip A tight trail hand will not allow a release on the club, as such a power lost.


Changing my grip has singlehandedly been the best bang for my buck.

The contact improved dramatically, but it wasn’t until I watched the Wisdom in Golf 1.0 video series (so long so I avoided it!) where you commented that the 10 finger grip was as excellent an option as the other options.

Once I switched to the 10 finger, combined with the proper lead hand thumb and trail hand trigger finger positions, things started to get eerily awesome!

Feeling the club supported on the lead hand thumb at the top of the backswing got SO simple, and when that started happening (only possible for me with the 10 finger grip) not only was the contact pure, my path, face and release was just so simple, consistently. It took 2 sessions to dial it in, and with this new found consistently, only now can I excitedly move forward to shot shaping and the rest rest of the swing / advanced topics.

I was insistent on the interlock due to the Grip Update video, but the 10 finger made my club arm unit much more solid. I wish I would have come across your comment from 1.0 much sooner!


Goldilocks is a beautiful thing!

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