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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Hi Shawn, just joined your site after watching video bout trying to hit driver only 175 yds. After seeing the young lady swing at 100 mph, I really think I am capable of doing that. I am 67 and typically score in the mid 80’s from the senior tees. Accuracy with the driver is not an issue, but a typical drive for me is 220-230 ;yds. Funny thing though, I hit a drive the other week of 265 yds. and have no idea how. How would you suggest I navigate through your site, and can you recommend any videos that may help with distance off of the tee.

Shawn Clement

Hey Mark! Ok, good stuff!
see the senior series first; then “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and “snap release polish. Once you have a good feel, see “turbo charge lead hand and trail hand release” videos and then the “throw the club” and the “throwing series”. You will then be ready for the “kinetic chain” and “kinetic chain engagement” series followed by the “goldie locks” series and “predict contact” and “pumping up the volume or swing” videos. Got some great stuff for you!!👍😀💪

Kyle Bush

Hi Shawn. Great video. I have been dealing with elbow pain (tennis elbow) in my lead arm for some time now. I am wondering if I am holding off the full release towards the target and not letting my arms rollover. I do struggle with that lead arm breaking down (chicken wing) which may be causing the pain in my elbow as well. Any thoughts on lead arm outside elbow pain and what may be causing it?

Shawn Clement

I see a lot of this and yes, any high level strain in trying to control the “unstoppable momentum” during the through swing will heighten the chances of injury. Much better to learn how to yield with “lead hand release” video and the “turbo charge lead hand release” and add some top spin ping pong release practice and baseball bat release practice. Also, I have found that weak to neutral grips can cause some strain through impact when the alignment of the arm anatomy is not optimal. See “most important video on grip” video for that.

Olivier Perroud

Hi Shawn,

Greeting form the french speaking part of Switzerland.

I’m wondering about the natural release you’re asking for with a lot of rotaion. My main issue is with this kind of release it is more difficult to control the face at impact and more of it, when I do this I’m loosing forward shaft lean at impact and my attack angle become positive like 0.5 deg with short irons. I can’t understand what is the right thing to do so I can naturally realse without getting a positive angle of attack.

Shawn Clement

This means you are releasing AT THE BALL instead of releasing AT THE TARGET or into the direction you want the ball to start. See “throwing the club” and then see “predict contact” and “the goldie locks series” and then see “target confirmation series”

David Meikle

I have recently joined the premium channel having watched a number of your videos on YouTube. I saw one recently that was advocating “strong grip” but that is not really coming across on these videos. Have I misinterpreted it? BTW great videos – I am really enjoying your teaching / coaching method!👍

Flip Gentry

For a right hand swing, does the left hand sort of pull back while the right hand pushes forward as happens in a split hand grip?

Shawn Clement

Yes, that is the idea; but it is the weight of the club head that provides the momentum for this as the lead hand YIELDS out of the way of the trail hand BEING RELEASED out of pure self preservation! See “snap release polish” in premium and practice leading the parade!😀👍

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