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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Thomas Parisi


As always great common sense approach using the tools that are innate to us. I am only 2 years into this game and thanks to you – my game is trending in the right direction. Quick two part question. At address I would have my leading hand ( I am a right handed player) in a “relaxed” position where the hand feels slightly turned out. Today while at the range I turned the lead hand slightly to the right and noticed a significant difference in my ball striking. I would switch back and forth between the two settings and will definitely say with the lead hand slightly turned in to the right (see more knuckles on the lead hand) my striking is much better – I also believe it is making me bring the club back wider on my takeaway leading to more accuracy and distance. So the two questions are – Is this proper or correct? If it is proper, how “turned in” should your lead hand be?

Thanks in advance!!


Thomas Parisi

Thanks Shawn!!


I dont play hockey but watched the Capps win the Stanely Cup. I LOVED the leverage idea that hockey players use. So, I want that same feeling with irons right?


I am a right handed golfer that places my left thumb over the grip to the inside of of the club. When I moved the thumb straight down the shaft, It feels awkward but I noticed the ball 20 yards down the fairway and to the right side of the fairway.
Any suggestions for the awkwardness of the grip and ball on the right side of the rough?


Hi Shawn I can feel the release of the club in both directions with the trail hand only and lead hand only but when I get both hands on the club I lose the feel of the release , where am I going wrong ? Cheers

Shawn or Matt I’m a right handed player how many knuckles of the lead hand should I see in the set up?


Hi Shawn. First off thanks for being the one simple voice of reason and sense in a virtual universe of constant white noise, quick fixes and overly complex voodoo. 10 years into the game now. I started with you, then tried to find my own way, was perpetually confused and am now back to you exclusively and ready to get it right once and for all. Quick question on this. My fear is that this swing thought might lead me to flipping or scooping at the ball. My thought process defaults to rolling the hands over (passing through square to target at midpoint…hopefully…by some miracle of timing) through impact. What video or drill re-enforces the correct lead/trail feeling and interaction for correct release.

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