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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Does a stronger grip promote forearm rotation, tried a stronger grip just pushing the club back and getting out of the way, my swing feels super simple now, it feels like I can’t miss

Sandy Chan

Hi Shawn,

So the idea is for me to feel like the lead hand is ‘pulling back’ and my trail hand is ‘pushing forward’? Like they are working in opposing forces in order to square and release the club head?



I notice that when I feel this “snap” or opposing force (like casting a fishing lure in the golf swing) a LOT of clubhead speed is generated quite effortlessly. Two questions: Is this snap supposed to happen at the ball, just past it out to my target, or is it just a “feel” to offset the resistance you will incur due to ground impact? Second question: Assuming the “snap” is supposed to happen literally, is it normal that (I’m right-handed) if the right “knife” overpowers then you are likely to pull the shot, and if your left hand comes back to hard the ball flight tends to push? I noticed this happen a few times. I realize there is a balance but in getting used to that feel a straight-shot seems very dependent on the ability to balance the right “knife” and left opposition. Not even sure if this makes sense but I think you understand the two questions.

Laurent Fedida

Hi Shawn, first of all, thanks for everything you made on golf !!
I have a question regarding grip; when I see this video, it looks like your left hand is pretty neutral on the grip isn’t it ? Whereas it is teaching that having a strong grip is better (with the left hand more inside the club). Did I miss something here please ? Can you explain a little bit more please ? Can you also explain more in detail the difference in the grip when you want to do a fade or a draw? Thanks a lot for your time and help !! Laurent

Laurent Fedida

Hi Shawn, thanks a lot for your feedback. I think you are right, one of my issue if that I don’t stay centered behind the ball through impact..so my compression is not so good. Thanks again for your videos


In the Knife the Grip you mentioned a exercise to build flexibility in the trail hand trigger finger did I some how miss that?

bill chapman

Great vid, but for some reason I tend to cup my left wrist or collapse at impact, is there a drill to get my left wrist slightly bowed to get more compression on the ball? I am gripping club just as you showed.

bill chapman

Thanks Shawn, will do.

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