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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Mark Gustafson

Hey Shawn! Great information in this video. But you are correct, that one would eventually want to veer away from this as a permanent position (maybe not?). Would it be fair to say this is something to engrain a feel, or dare I say it, a “body position”, for those who may still be in the swaying camp? Seems to border Stack+Tilt and that brought me down a dark, deep rabbit hole a couple years ago. LoL.

Lastly, I just joined your entry membership, is there a starting point and a particular sequence to your videos? It just seems to be pick and choose.

Mark G
(YT: MarkG_603)

Mark Gustafson

Hey Shawn!!
A sticking point with me, and I just had a lesson with my coach yesterday (2/24), is that I’m still stuck on my back foot too long. When I practice my swing, no ball, my intended task is to be mostly up and off my back foot at impact, on the toe. While I “feel” this does happens the camera shows NONE of it occurs. Feel versus Real. 😛
Seth (Seth Dichard, Hudson NH), my coach, gave me a step drill to perform and also suggested seeking out your help and/or videos you may have to assist with this?

I’m integrating the throwing of the club, which is terrific… I need some help moving forward more than I presently am. I’ll get some swing video to you as soon as I can obtain them from Seth.
All the best!

Shawn Clement

Hey Mark! Ok, there is stuck on the back foot because you are trying to lift or hit the ball as your target instead of delivering a task to the target. And then there is having the right foot down as an anchor for the head staying back as you stay with the direction you want to start the ball’s flight on like John Rahm and Tony Finau and Cameron Young and many other players. Have you seen how long John Rahm’s right foot stays down well past impact? This was also the late great Moe Norman’s signature move. The video for this is called “bolted and centred”

Now if you are in the first camp, which is when you look down you see a ball and you are trying to hit the ball or trying to move body parts into positions, then you want to see “top 3 tasks”, “slow motion task”, “task update”, “task 2.0” and one of my favourite series is “kinetic chain engagement facilitation series” which is a 2.0 version of the “walking drill” and don’t forget the “throw the club” and the “throwing series” which is a right of passage for any golfer and if you have a nice safe netted area to practice this, you will be amazed at how awesome your swing looks on video when you perform this drill well.

Mark Gustafson

Hey Shawn!
Email sent with my swing video, front and down the line.

Lance Dirk

I’ve used this set up for years after seeing it in your DVD in like ’08-’09. It was how I was always the longer hitter of my group. Bad part is every time I would try and get touch up lessons from local pros they always wanted to deconstruct my posture and get me standing vertical, because that was the traditional teaching method of the time. Still love and use this posture because it makes the most sense rather than throw the club out on the backswing and pull it back in the slot on the down swing. Too many moving parts.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lance Dirk
Shawn Clement

Hi Lance! Good comment!
Yes, there is a huge difference between “dynamic” and “static” teaching and performing. The first thing I did when I came to this game was question the purpose behind things when I heard them. Does this have to do with someone’s opinion based on an assumption or will this help me deliver a ball to a target over and over again without hurting me.

Justin Girod


I’ve been trying to figure out the golf swing for a year and a half now. In my heart I always knew it (the swing) was an intuitive move but I could never find someone who could teach it that way, and I never was able to figure it out myself. (Just turn the hips. HOW DO I TURN MY HIPS lol) I had watched your videos on and off but everything you said seemed a little different than what the “mainstream” teaches (positions rather than actions that get you into these positions) so I kind of passed you by.

For whatever reason I knew what you were teaching was right and your teaching would get through to me. I’m through the grip lessons and on to this video and everything makes perfect sense. I’m no longer chasing feels in the swing, I’m thinking about hitting the ball differently.

Anyways – the point of this post – This video! Lightbulb moment for me! When I started getting behind the ball in my setup (basically sticking my butt ahead, it feels like cheating) my backswing and turn became so effortless and powerful. Before I had to make a conscious effort almost to turn my chest to the back and then raise my arms in front of my chest, then once I lost this sensation I found my arms getting pinned against my chest and just feeling restricted. And I could never feel comfortable over the ball. Now all I have to think is a high outside takeaway and throwing the club at the target. Its amazing.

I have so much of this material to go through, I cant wait to hear what you have to say about short game and putting. Just wanted to say thanks, I’m positive you’re going to change my golf game.

Gregg Brown

Please explain how the weight moves in the back swing, at contact, and at follow-through. For example, if you start with a 60/40 weight distribution, does the weight distribution, remain the same during the backswing?

Tom Rolf

Hey Shawn,
While I have gained good distance and accuracy with my driver now on the course…My iron distance once in a while on the range will jump 20 yards but never on the course and I am hitting a lot of very fat and then almost alternating thin shots…I think a lot of the answers are between this video and the balance and contact video…I am definately not feeling ball-grass-ground at address…working on compressing the ball against the door frame I hope will make a big difference…your thoughts?

Shawn Clement

When on course, it is easy to get tight and careful and your backswing then does not gather enough momentum to get through the ball with ease; see “open up the machine on course”, the “pre-motor cortex series” and the “unstoppable momentum series” to lock in on the feel BEFORE YOU TAKE THE SWING.

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