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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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amarjot Bedi

Hi Shawn,
back to the basics.
Is there such a thing as too much tilt and too much head tilt.
My consistency off the TEE with the driver/3W as well as the irons were greatly suffering.
Tried to figure it out.
Off the TEE – I realized that I was getting into a tilted position as soon as I stood over the ball. Had no clue why my 3 wood was topping sometimes or why I am pulling or many a times was just unable to finish my follow through.
Golden nugget was so simple:- Instead chose my IP, get an idea of a flight plan (still lazy sometimes doing this). Here was the key , stand over the ball get into posture, take the club 6 inches behind ( driver), and THEN tilt slightly and THEN the head. It feels I just cant do wrong anymore off the tee. The pre tilt with further tilt and the bump towards target ( like sav) was just messing it all up.

Biggest gain is the confidence and the prediction of me hitting the driver or 3w on the tee box.

Sadly not so much irons. I have started hitting fades not just well but find them to be very accurate. But a draw or a shot that I am trying to hit over IP I just cannot predict. Either I am going into a pre tilt at setup or tilting too much. I either end up feeling (instead of momentum already there) I am gonna jab hard at the ball or I cannot get into my finish. So either I hit a huge draw with immense effort or I hit a push right. Its getting so frustrating.

Shawn Clement

Sorry I missed this one; when getting set up; ALWAY ASK YOURSELF IF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PERFORM THE TASK EASILY WITH MOMENTUM FROM WHERE YOU ARE STANDING. You need to stop thinking literally, a lot of my instruction I have to use body references because of the nature of the industry; so if you feel uncomfortable over the ball it is because one of the BIG 4 items of set up is out of place and DOES NOT MATCH THE INTENT OF THE SHOT. Revisit the “goldilocks series” and apply this to the tilt as well with “tilt mile markers” and “contact mile markers”

amarjot Bedi

Wow, last 2 minutes was so much to understand. I couldn’t figure out pre turn vs not pre turning. I have been pre turning for all my shots ( not for chipping of course).
My understanding, I setup to the ball with ( what I call a slight pre turn) where I am behind the ball by bracing I get into the tilt.. (pw thru to driver). For Draw I was kind of doing the same, to hit it right would make me brace more and as the ball position is center or back of center you tilt even more. ( which I guess you call it pre turn). Any video I can watch that clarifies the difference in more detail.

Shawn Clement

This has evolved into 1-choose a FLIGHT PLAN; 2-find an IP to set up into the flight plan; 3-match the set up to the flight plan
When the set up matches, you are “pre-turned” which is the term I had to use to get golfers out of the “square and static set up”

Rich Meltz

Exactly what I was looking for. This just brought a lot of light into this entire process of learning Shawn’s swing.
Thank you so much for this 🙌💪

Shawn Clement

You bet! 👍😀

Dan Santucci

At the 7 minute and 54 second point of this video , I picked up on your shifting onto your left side by “sitting down” in the direction of your left hip. This subtle “sitting” into your left hip as an initial move in my downswing has really helped me eliminate my tendency to hang back on my right side and hit fat shots.Is there another one of your videos that elaborates on this weight transfer move?

James Cooper

Hey Shawn,
Wouldn’t your point on not pre-turning when trying to hit a fade also apply to the driver setup and the fact that the ball position is forward so you’re already behind the ball? Thx

Shawn Clement

EXACTLY!! You are already behind the ball and facing your centre!👍👌💪

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