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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Josh Vogt

Hey Shawn, with your teaching I’ve gained 15 to 20 yards on my irons. Thank you! However I can’t tell if its the shaft flex that is now to weak due to the swing speed increase that is causing me to pull my shots or not staying on task with throwing the club in the direction of the target. In your experience, is pulled shots a result of the task or possibly not stiff enough shafts? I can get the ball to go to the target but its a compensation I believe by having to aim further right and really start the ball right of the intended target. Thank you, Josh

Josh Vogt

As an additional comment, I found the added swing speed a result of bumping to the the left to start the backswing which allows a deeper turn and longer backswing, not sure if that’s correct but found it helps me to throw the club back to throw it out to the target.

Shawn Clement

Hey Josh! This is very common, and it has to do with the human vision from the side that feeds you the wrong information; see “alignment reload” on premium as well as the “blur of club” and the “arc blur unstoppable momentum series” and we actually just posted a video on youtube yesterday on this so check my youtube home page for “pulling shots straight left”😝😀

Josh Vogt

Hey Shawn, discovered your YouTube channel and now am a member on premium. Great stuff so far! Can’t wait to continue. I can finally hit draws which is amazing to me. Quick question, if draw is back of center and fade is forward. Can you play the ball dead center and hit a straight ball? Thanks for turning my game around.

Shawn Clement

Hey Josh! Awesome! Choose a side, say fade, and hit a straight fade or a straight draw. Launch monitors will always show a side spin or spin axis to a side; straight balls are 1 in a thousand…

Josh Vogt

That makes sense. Thank you for replying!

Patrick Baiocchi

oops, I was pre-turning for everything but putts, lol-man can I make a shot hook and run!!! Discovered my trigger finger-very cool and will the brace automatically create a draw flight?

Declan Butler


I love the way your trail foot is planted at impact and then you roll / bank your ankle.

Have you any video that deals with how to achieve this super position ?


Alejandro Aucestovar

Shawn, when I brace against the target, do I need to place weight on my front leg when during the entire swing or just at address? Also, does the pre-turn happen with all clubs even the driver when trying to hit the draw?

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