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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Jon Cascagnette

Great addition to your other grip videos. The point about pressure on the index finger at the top of the back swing has actually helped with my tempo. A common problem for me is being overzealous, rushing the downswing and hitting a low, thin worm burner. I now try to use the index pressure at the top as a cue, “Okay, wrists are set, club has paused, now let gravity take it through to the down swing.”

Shawn Clement

Right on Jon, awesome stepping stone to transition mentally to the downswing focus which should be to engage the kinetic chain. Tasks such as “throwing the club” and “delivering the stem of the dandelion to target” will engage the weightshift and body turn without thinking and get you connected to the target.

Arthur Carvajal

I just sent you my first swing analysis video. The feedback on my grip now makes sense. Especially when I do the walking drill. It really felt like the club was loosey, goosey. A feeling that isn’t there when I am hitting a shot. But it must be there because the results are now proof of my trail hand problem. It does explain a lot regarding my inconsistent direction. Based on my videos and your feedback. I now see the problem with my grip. I Will be working on it, so next month I hope you can see the improvement.


I did’nt realise that I was pulling the club back with my lower hand until my two middle fingers were feeling pain to the ligaments there from improper use. I had to think of pushing the club back wide to eliminate that issue as ypu showed a wide take away. Also i have a cadet large glove and feel I am gripping too hard due to perhaps needing a smaller grip size. For some reason I got M4 golf pride grips because I liked the cord. Got me to thinking they might be too large for my sausage sized fingers. P0ssible? Also it causes we to figit with my grip after address. Need to set it and forget it. Love being able to revisit the videos, I see something new that I missed everytime.


I thought maybe I could have written your comment. My son calls my fingers sausages as well. I also have m4 grips and new ones I just put on. Xl cadet glove also and really am having an issue with my lead hand grip feeling comfortable.


Hi Shawn,

Do you see any set up problems with a grip that uses a reverse overlap (i.e., I’m a right handed golfer and it feels more comfortable to have my left hand index finger on top, in the groove between my right hand pinky and ring fingers)?


Shawn Clement

No problem! I have actually brought a division 1 player to #1 with that very grip!


Unfortunately, I have been using a “baseball bat” grip for years (for trailing hand), and just watched your grip videos. Lead hand is ok, any suggestions in how to transition to an interlocking? It feels so unnatural to have my right hand pinky not on the club, and my index finger is also wrapped.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x