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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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I have always had a fairly good Grip. After watching this Video, I believe I will have a GREAT GRIP. Thanks so much. Take Care. [email protected]

Scott Narasaki

I always felt that I had a sound grip, but I would grip with my left hand under the club (I am a left handed golfer). Over the past couple weeks the first knuckle on the left ring finger became very sore. I started to review your grip video’s. I found Grip it Like Cameron Champ. You make a comment about how both hands should hinge together. The next time I hit balls, while addressing the ball I focused on settling up and making sure that I always feel that my hands can hinge up and down together, so no gripping under the club with my left hand. The first thing I noticed was there was not pain in my ring finger when I hit a ball. But I also felt very lined up, and ready to swing, and I started to hit the ball solid with much more compression. I never will over look my grip again!


Hey Shawn, that was a great video. I’m one of those that keeps regripping because I feel the V has shifted. This has helped me not do that. Yet to see if it works. Awesome explanation.

Sandy Chan

Thanks Shawn. My lead hand is strong (at least 3 knuckles). My trail hand is neutral (very similar to your knife grip – where i cant interlock my pinky anymore and my pointer is separated slightly).

If the back of my trail hand will be parallel to my strong lead hand, i will end up with my trail hand “underneath” the club and i release with this super strong grip, then ill just be hooking it all over right?

Sandy Chan

Interesting you mentioned “where you want the ball to start” as my pro is also drumming it into my head that I should pick an intermediate target and he wants me to ‘start’ my ball just right of that target.

I am confused though on what you mean “if you are fully releasing past the ball” – meaning my lead hand is now underneath my trail hand after impact (forearms have already pronated after impact).

Sandy Chan

Hi Shawn,

How can we tell if we are too “neutral” already with the trail hand?


Sandy Chan

May I send you a picture of my grip? I saw some of your youtube videos that you advocate a strong grip for the lead hand – and I do have this already – always held it this way. The only correction I was asked to do was to make the trail hand more neutral.

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