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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Tim McNicholas

At 21:30 of this lesson my life changed. I have been watching you for a year or so on and off. Direction of the target have eluded me. When you said the tennis player is on the left and you want to hit it to the right side down the line it clicked. If I try to paint the corners on a tennis court I get it! Now I can also gather and release.

Thanks 🙂

Shawn Clement

Right on Tim! Great Epiphany! 😀👍👌💪

Frederick Chacon

Shawn, I want to clarify how the club is held in the left hand for a right handed person. Savanna seems to have the club more in her palm than on the fingers like Ben Hogan teaches and most other teachers. Am I seeing this correctly?

Shawn Clement

When you watch the Grip videos on the Bottom of the “list of videos by date” you will see that the requirement is NOT POSITIONAL and is related to how secure the feel in your hand is while executing a swing.

Thomas Kihr

Hello Shawn,
so i went out on the golf course today to start using the method you are teaching. Have to say, i‘m playing since not even 2 years and lowered my hcp to 22.

Out on the course today i really had to get rid of the method i have been taught to swing the club since nearly two years and tried on every shot to get in the new posture, strong grip with closed club face….

To make it short: Chipping, Pitching and 9 and 8 iron pretty good, great contact, sometimes a bit short maybe, but good shots. 6, 5 iron and Hybrid, still with a great tendency to be sliced. Driver….mhm….at least today not really good. Still slicing the driver and struggling a bit with the swing of this long stick. Decided not to think too much about it, it‘s my first day with your swing and i suppose it takes a view weeks to get used to it and to get consistent.

Many thanks for sharing your videos and your teaching in such a great way. I really appreciate it very much.

Thomas Kihr

Hey Shawn,

Many thanks, i will check those videos in a amoment!
Have a great day!


Hi Shawn, Just recently joined after doing the 5 min video review. The strong grip has transformed my iron game in just a few short days. The task of hitting a door frame is helping a ton as well. I’ve added 15 yards and the weak push fade is gone. However , I am struggling to transfer this to the longer clubs, as I’m hitting some nasty hook draws with same grip and task. FYI I’m also an interlocker Any suggestions on videos and task that can help with driver? Should I just experiment and try to go a hair weaker until I find the sweet spot ?

Last edited 3 years ago by [email protected]
Shawn Clement

There you go! Exactly! However, you want to be able to confirm that you are through the ball fully first and not releasing too soon AT THE BALL. See “the goldie locks series” and “predict contact” as well as the “target confirmation series” and “pre-motor cortex series”


I interlock like your daughter. The one thing I have a problem with is the index finger being so stiff that it’s hard to space it the way she does or much at all. When I do the compression is 2x better. Is there a way to stretch my index finger to loosen it up?


Thanks for the response! That’s good news as I’ve been doing that for a couple days hitting into a net. Can’t believe the difference in the compression! My only problem is focusing on my trigger finger instead of my target so I gotta get that thing stretched out lol

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