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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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This video has cleared up a lot for me. I’ve always played with a strong grip a few instructors tried to have me more neutral but would slice the ball off the planet and never made sense to me. One thing I’ve found recently that in my back swing If I feel like I bow my left wrist which has lead to some nice ball striking and amazingly long drivers and gained distance I thought I lost due to advancing age. Do you think that one swing thought is a bad one to have? It seems I have a better release when do it. If not an issue any recommendation how to ingrain it…or just keep practicing it?



I’ve been fighting some direction inconsistencies, mostly pulls and thought is was my hips and over swinging. After reviewing a video of my swing, I could see a breakdown in my acu structure, left arm bending and the arc collapsing at the top of the BS. Also, I was wearing out my thumb nails !

This grip lesson helped me understand that my left wrist was too cupped at set up. My grip looked fine but the cupping of my left wrist ( lead arm) seems to be breaking down the ACU structure from top to bottom. By flattening the back of left wrist, my BS is a bit shorter but feels more powerful, structure looks much better. Thinking now about the number of exposed knuckles showing on my left hand now. Also, flattening the left wrist changes the lie angle of the club.

Thoughts ? Am I heading down the wrong path with this idea ?

robert lingley

I’m a bit confused. Based on your various grip videos it seems like there are 2 different takes on grip. The “umbrella” position with snuff box on centre or slightly right of centre looks different than “hammer doorframe” position which has the much stronger grip position with the thumb more on the side of the grip, index knuckle on top and the snuff box well right of centre.

For me “umbrella” position leaves an open face at impact where as the “hammer” position leaves the face square at impact. The “hammer” position feels more correct to me. Looking at your grip it appears to be more like “umbrella”. Please explain.

Eric Beaulieu

Hi Shawn,
My grip is picture perfect to what you are showing but during both hand acid test, i always feel the butt of the club wanting to slide along the pad of my lead hand at the release and it shows on my glove. My grips are brand new and I’m squeezing the juice out of it. No problem with single hand acid test.

Thank you

Eric Beaulieu

Thanks Shawn. I kept doing perpetual motion and I think I’ve put the finger on it, Trail hand wants to release a bit differently then the lead hand thus prying the club out of my lead hand. It’s not by much and I had to monitor the hand mouvement very closely to detect it.



Being left handed this is really great as Savy is also left handed. My question is at address is the club head square, open or closed? It seems a little open in the video. When do you take your grip?


Hey Shawn, going with what Eric described, do you think different size grips matter? I have a few clubs that are still standard but I really like the way a midsize feels. What effect do they have?


Hello Shawn,

I play a very strong grip for the same reasons you explain in this video.
However, when I want to play a fade, I need to weaken my grip a little and I don’t feel comfortable anymore.

Is it possible to hit a fade with a strong grip (same club head/hand relationship as for the draw) ?

It could be interesting to watch Savannah hit fade shot and describe her setup adjustments.

Thank you,

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