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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn, great video, especially for me. Questions:

  1. Can I use the set to football drill on the course?
  2. When you speak of the leading with the elbow, are you referring to your left or right (Rt handed golfer)?
  3. In the Greenside bunker do you keep your feet grounded or follow thru with rt foot on toe? Same for fairway bunker?

Thank you,


Thanks SC


Hi Shawn,

I tried the throwing the football position, but I feel a bit off balance when I extend the club out that far out. Should the pressure be more on the balls of my feet or closer to the middle of the foot and the heel?



Hi Shawn, before I joined your site I had a few lessons from a coach who had me all cramped up!! I have 37 inch arms. lost all kinds of power. Since joining your site, I feel liberated and free. I am hitting my gap wedge 140 yards with ease!!

I don’t understand why more coaches don’t use this analogy with their students. Would make life alot easier for us.

Thank you so much for giving me back my swing.


So Shawn I just had to share that I had a “breakthrough” range session today using the throw the football task. I was having trouble getting the feel of throwing the driver to the right and as I was trying to diagnose why the ball was slicing out to the right even with a more closed face I stumbled upon the fact that it had to do with the path of my elbow. When I imagined my elbow passing closer to my side without getting stuck I started to get a better swing path more inside to out. I didn’t like thinking about body part positioning while trying to complete the task of throwing the club clipping the tee to the right edge of my intermediate point but I couldn’t find the right feel. So I sat there for a while going throw slow motion with the club to try to capture a feeling from a task that would allow me to throw in a way that would put my elbow in a better position without thinking about it. That’s when it clicked. I needed an underhand throwing motion. My mind then went back through the archives of your videos and I remembered the recent one containing the football throw. I then took my setup and visualized throwing the football underhanded to the right edge of my intermediate point. It was an instant fix. I was absolutely amazed at the difference. All of the sudden I was getting consistency and compression like I’ve never experienced. I then used that same football throw task with all of my clubs. I use Wishon Sterling single length irons and it was like an epiphany of immediate bliss on a stick. I finally felt like I was using my kinetic chain as I see you demonstrate. I went through a large bucket of balls with all clubs having shots fly off the club like I’ve never experienced. After I got home I went back and looked at the earlier football drill videos and learned even more which I think will help fine tune what I’m doing. I think I might have finally unlocked the final piece I’ve been missing. I can’t wait to go out and see if I can repeat and build upon my progress. I never realized how important leading with the elbow and giving it space is to proper kinetic chain, swing path, directional control and generating massive lag. I finally feel I can work the ball as desired with both the fade and the draw. Such a simple concept that I’ve been missing that has unlocked a whole range of untapped ability. I also have adopted using the diagonal stance for all clubs now and that in conjunction with discovering the football throw task (I’d never tried it before) has opened up a whole new level for me. I am Very excited to start working these developments from the range to the course. I can already sense that my problem is going to be re-establishing my gapping as I think I’ve added 20+ yards to all clubs if not more! Thanks for all you do. Your efforts have really gotten it down on the shelf where even a knuckle dragger like me can reach it! I broke 90 for the first time in over 15 years a couple weeks ago. I just picked the game back up a year and a half ago and thankfully I stumbled upon you and Wisdom in Golf. Hopefully I will be able to report I’ve broken 80 for the first time ever very soon. I feel I’m on the brink of a Major scoring breakthrough as my short game has also improved dramatically especially since incorporating the flow state concepts of your latest videos. I’m actually seeing the desired shot and putting, chipping and throwing the club into the picture with so much more confidence now. So Absolutely Amazing how our brains and bodies work. It’s been such a fun ride following your lead and tapping into things I’d never dreamed I’d be able to do. All the best!

Dave Pike


Sure thing Shawn. Anything to help! Likewise wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday season!



Shawn giving my elbow room in front of my body and setting the football is an epiphany for me. Finally could feel the massive weight of my armclub unit. Smoked my three wood in a field by my house. Can’t wait to go to the course. Question how do I keep from guiding my irons. I tend to hook them. Thanks


David and Shawn,
I had the exact experience on yesterday. At my home course there is a coach also named Shawn, who has watched my workouts and commented on my swing plane. He showed me a piece of equipment that is designed to facilitate a proper swing plane. I tried using the device and it was physically awkward and forced me to think about body positions and Shawn Clement emphasizes how detrimental that is to our ability to properly execute.
Yesterday, the local coach asked me about my swing and had I made the adjustment to my swing plane. I proceeded to hit a few balls and he again mentioned that my elbow us up high and off the plane. Honestly, I was hooking the ball, topping the ball with an occasional good swing but I wanted the guy to leave me alone. I explained to him why I had my hammers, throwing the club, and adjusting my clubface only to hear him remark as PGA professional I would never instruct anyone that way. Finally, I said look at Bubba Watson, Dustin Johnson and Matt Wolfe this guys are not traditional in their swings. His response was that they all have different mechanics but they all to the same in the hitting zone. Here is the big thing he said is that you have to have room for the elbow. This made me remember the football drill and Shawn Clements remarks that I needed to fully deploy my arms.
So, I decided to try it just once however when I saw the ball flight and distance with how easily I released the club I continued on. I discovered that I have a natural fade which I immediately tried to compensate for. After, the time on the range and 9 holes on the course I begin to process what was going on and came to the following conclusions.
1. The release pattern when throwing a football underhand leads to a swing path that produces a fade.
2. Using a diagonal stance and swinging to left centerfield or a swing path that produces a left to right release and a draw shot.
3. No more pain in the back and hips
4. I can now feel the kinetic chain
5. It is easy to stick with the shot

Sam DeDominicis


I’m always trying to find room for the trailing elbow, but when I perform this drill my plane feels much flatter than when it is with a club.

Does that make sense as to why I tend to dump my right hand at the ball? Am I doing PMD/swings on too steep a plane?

Sam DeDominicis

Oops! Answered my own question! “You really get a sense of how to hold the arc of your swing in that direction.” Part 2: 5:30!

Will keep working with the concepts in part 2 this month.

Thanks for the content!

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