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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Ryan Logsdon

Hi Shawn,
With the baseball/football throw having that slight step with the lead leg, do you think it would make sense to incorporate into someone’s actual golf swing? Seems like it’s most natural with how most people throw a ball or swing a bat but you never see anyone actually do it with their golf swing. Saw a video on Padraig Harrington do it the other day and it got me curious. Curious to hear your thoughts!

Alex Hernandez

Wow this is gold! This task really makes sense for me. One question I have is in the 2nd video you talk about how with driver you are throwing slightly upwards (positive AOA). When the ball is on the ground with wedge/iron should I continue to focus on throwing the football to my target or would I need to throw the football slightly towards the ground? (Negative AOA)?


Shawn – wow when I use the football drill or sword analogy to ensure room for the elbows I am crushing the ball with what feels like a half a swing. This was really what was holding me back setting up without room for my elbows so I couldn’t use my kinetic chain. Now I’ve just got to feel that elbow room and make sure it’s there with all clubs.

Shawn Clement

and the choir sings! 👍💪🫶👌


Still can’t quite maintain the elbow space consistently. 2 out of 3 swings. Do you think ensuring the clearance is primarily a posture and distance to ball issue? Is that would I would focus on those 2 to ensure the space for the trail elbow?


I understand Shawn but if my set up doesn’t have room for my trail elbow the kinetic chain is broken from the start my target focus is good I now think it’s keeping my chest up and maintaining sandbagging tossing posture. Sometimes I just don’t bring the machine to the ball. I get in good posture but by the time I swing I’ve changed. Will keep at it. Wish I could feel good posture better. Any suggestions thanks


Hi Shawn – I’ve realized I’ve got a strange problem in my swing. I use my kinetic chain perfectly but I’m an old college tennis player so my shoulders and arms swing around hence the need for more room all the time. It’s like a mental block right as the club falls down towards the ball the right shoulder goes around not down. I tell myself swing to the target but the shoulders still move around. My body is rotating beautifully but the arms/shoulders are going around. If the ball was waist high it would be perfect but alas it’s on the ground. Any videos to try to get the sense that the arms go up and down. Thanks

Shawn Clement

See “alignment reload” as this is a side vision issue; then see “blur of club” and the “arc blur unstoppable momentum series”
DO NOT SWING STRAIGHT AT THE TARGET; swing through the arc blur to the right of the IP i to the direction you want to start the ball; which is not the end target.

Last edited 1 year ago by Shawn Clement
Jeremy Fuller

Hi Shawn. I was able to go from averaging 85mph with a 7i to 95mph even after a long layoff as long as I can keep my elbow free and in front of my body. I love the speed gains, however, I’m still struggling with releasing the club too early. It seems that no matter how far right of my intermediate point that I swing, trackman still shows my club face as closed and obviously way closed relative to the path. I tried searching for “early release” to no avail. What video would you recommend?

Shawn Clement

Did you see the latest spinning video series? And next week’s series will really help as well. The key is to stay with the task DESPITE the ball; feeling that the weight of the ball will slow your task down a millisecond or 2 but will not stop your action physically. See the “throwing series” as well and the Goldie Locks series and predict contact videos; finally, the “target confirmation series” which the next series is the 2.0 of that one.

Darryl Bowers

Great video. The lady on the driving range was priceless. So funny.

Shawn Clement

Glad you enjoyed that! 😀👍

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