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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Shawn- one of your old videos talked about the left vs right hand action through the swing…it’s more of a pulling through with the left than a push with the right. I noticed that it’s rarely discussed in your videos, but I was hoping you could address it in New ones. I still struggle with a dominant right hand and push the club. My best rounds (low 70’s) is when pull through more with left hand. Hoping you can come up with more drills or thoughts on this in your videos. Thanks again


Hi Shawn,
You should be on Golf Channel..your instruction makes a lot more sense than some of the others on that channel. In fact, I do not even watch them anymore. I have been playing more than fifty years and am relearning the swing using your method.

I was trying to work on the right elbow the other day after watching the football drill, and tried throwing the club with lead elbow…I hit several “fat” shots doing this…could it be I was focusing to much on throwing the right elbow and not shifting weight ?

Question 2, do you ever do any seminars in the US …I live in Ohio and would like to get some first hand teaching.

From the Hall of Fame City

Greg Chitwood

Shawn you make the most sense on how to approach the golf swing! I notice when you finish your swing that your hands are almost on top of your head and sometimes even in front of your face, almost. Is this something that I should try to copy as well? Is this the result of a proper release and swing? I dont end up in that position but then again I dont hit the ball as well and constant as you, at least not yet.

David Theobald

I think I actually have the opposite problem as I give myself room with my shorter clubs and struggle big time getting stuck with my driver. Is there a good trick for making sure the distance between body and ball is sufficient to give room? This is so bad for me I almost never tee off with a driver anymore.

Thomas Lapras

Hi Shawn,

I’m following your teaching since i have begun to play golf, 10 months ago, and i can say that you have saved me so much time and effort. I’m now a 15.8 handicaper and every time i hit a wall, i find one video that help me keeping making progress. I have also taken a couple of lessons with Edouard Montaz, since i’m from France, and it was great. I really enjoy the new website and the audio files in the Eagle exclusive part are pure gold.

I have one issue that keep bothering me every time i think i have solved it :
I truly recognize myself in the last video you recently posted on your Youtube main channel “Release your club”. I have the same issue as the one your student is struggling with. The club head keep coming sligthly open, causing some fade/slice and losing me some distance. My main feel when i swing is the tomahawk/fishing rod underneath throw. But i’m unable to find the similitude between that feel and the football drill : i would definitively throw the ball like you do but i think i would never throw it like i throw a tomahawk. Where am i wrong ?

Another little thing for the website, don’t you think it could be a good idea if premium or eagle members could ask you some simple questions that you would select and which you could answer to in a some regular videos ?

Thanks for all the great job !


Ps : sorry for my poor english…

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