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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Sensei! Just had a session from 15 yrs ago pop up – when we first discussed weight shift v pressure – what took the world so long to catch up!!! Do you think we could do this series (best of) wth tracer and use Sav, Mu and you to demonstrate!!
I reckon we could destroy another 500 myths that have evolved from single frame “hacks”
Love this game –

Shawn Clement

Great to see you Marc! Love your enthusiasm, always a great way to start my day; love it! 👍🫶

mark sobel

shawn how do u use an intermediate point out on the course

amarjot Bedi

This was a stance ( right foot back) which I was advised to use for the slice. Never ever thought it can be part of the swing permanently.

With that said I have spent 3 days on a range, keeping an object as my intermediate point, setting a target and pushing my glutes / hams down ( as you asked me to flex more), my take on the swing along with this was a game changer for me.

The fact that with diagonal stance combined with IP (the two have to go hand in hand as I found out the hard way) along with the setup which is tilted, “EVERYTHING” that one is taught and the swing thoughts of arm movement, wrist position, weight shifting, hips clearing, elbows, hinge, follow through, is no longer a thought or a concern. It just simplifies the swing and gets results!

Few concerns:-

  • Is the diagonal for pitching also? It was perfect for ALL full shots.
  • My misses were high and majestic but right of target, instead of changing the swing I would close the face a bit which resulted in draws (borderline hooks).
Christian Nepomuceno

Shawn, ive been shanking and coming from the top on demand, no matter how much if focus on the task.. so i went closed stance and the tendency to hit from the top is gone.. though im pulling my shots .. i think its just the timing of my release because its like more of a power draw rather than a straight pull to the left . my question is do the convention parallel stance block the path of my downswing causing me to hit from over the top regardless whether im target focused?

Shawn Clement

This is very cool feedback Christian! Take this stance we call the “diagonal stance” and first see this series of videos (diagonal stance series) and then see “blur of club” and “arc blur unstoppable momentum series” to direct the momentum where you want the shots to go!

Robert Pruzinsky

Hi Shawn! Thanks for placing those orange markers around you for reference. It gave me a better perspective of where you are in relation to your targets. I’ve had two lessons here in San Diego. One at Torrey Pines, and each time the coaches were trying to force me into a swing position when my brain was telling me, “can you cut the dandelion stem through the right side of the intermediate point?” When I explained the method I was learning from you both coaches were intrigued but dismissive. I don’t know how this online coaching is going to work but until I can get to you, I’ll book one and see what happens. I’m hesitant because I don’t know if an iPhone is an appropriate way to common my swing. Thanks for really helping enjoy the game.

Shawn Clement

Hey Robert!
since we started our online lessons, we have had a nice contingent of students rely on the weekly coaching with amazing results; most are still there after a year of weekly lessons! That tells you it works in spades! My Mondays and Fridays are booked heavy with only online lessons and I am getting ready to close the gate for a while…

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