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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Hi Shawn, I have a question about the intermediate point. In past videos I’ve heard you say the IP should be ideally no farther than a foot away from the ball. In this video and others recently it appears that the IP you are using is a bit farther away from the ball (maybe 2-3 feet?). I’m just starting to pay more attention to my IP as you’ve emphasized it as the “compass” we need to be using for true alignment. Can you please clarify the best distance for an IP depending on the type of shot and add some insight on how to pick one and where that focus falls in the hierarchy of task management in relationship to putting it all together? I find myself confused on what order and where exactly to put the IP focus into my swing if that makes sense. Thinking Throwing the club either right or left edge of the IP while cutting through the dandelion stem seems to be the picture I’m getting but the distance between the IP and ball seems to really change the angle of the swing path in my mind. Is it safe to say that for a bigger fade or draw you’d want it closer and for a “straighter” fade or draw you’d want it farther away?

Thanks Shawn,


The median is the missing link. I recently switched to using the diagonal stance with my irons and immediately all the balls were going to the right, no matter how I adjusted my feet. I do not have a similar problem the driver as I often using existing divets as the median point. I am working on this the rest of the week.


What kind of improvements would you expect with someone coming from an open stance to a closed stance? I’m 35 and still pretty flexible so an open stance kept me from taking too long of a backswing and helped me turn my hips at impact. I do have a tendency to come forward towards the target on my downswing, which could be because I away back off the ball in the backswing. So this could help! I’ll just have to hit some balls to ight to find out!


The diagonal stance feels way more comfortable too. I can stand a little wider and still let the hips turn as they should.


when doing the diagonal stance do I have to make sure my shoulders stay parallel to my target line,

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