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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Hi Shawn, long time, hope all is well sir!
I’ve come to a point in my stance where regardless of shot shape I simply feel better with my feet open (right handed golfer). Even when hitting a draw I prefer my feet open to the target line. When I get behind the ball for the draw my feet are left and my shoulders are center to right side of the fairway but the odd thing is the draw works. I simply feel better open. Is this an issue or if it feels and works well should I keep using it? Thanks, Nate.

Shawn Clement

STAY WITH IT!! Always better to be too open than closed and most times you feel open but you are just square; happens to me all the time as well as the vast majority of golfers. Fred Couples, John Daly, Paul Azinger, Rory, Dustin, Bubba, and so many more tend to be more open even when they want to draw the ball.

Matt Davis

Hi Shawn. After a great period of ball striking I’ve come to a point where I’ve become too focussed on set up positioning which had bled into my dynamic swinging of the club..
Being conscious of staying behind the ball can sometimes be an issue where I don’t release over and through the target..
I’ve always loved the idea of straight lines in my set up to ensure consistent ball positioning, but staying too ‘straight’ sometimes doesn’t help me stay behind it and on task.
Does this diagonal set up help you and Sav stay with the shot through your intermediate point?

Shawn Clement

Hey Matt! What you want to see is “blur of club” and all the videos with the words “arc blur” in them. The arc of the swing is where it is at and the brain has an awesome ability to stay centred inside this arc especially WHEN THERE IS A SPECIFIC DIRECTION TO STAY ON. Savy’s task is to throw the club through this arc into the direction she wants the start the ball.

Sandy Chan

As someone struggling with an over the top swing (this creeps up, I notice, when I try to give it a little extra distance) – will this diagonal stance make it easier for me to hit from the inside and avoid going OTT?


Shawn Clement

Make sure the grip is strong enough; then make sure you see the “blur of club” and the “arc-blur” series. Then see the “lead hand release”, “trail hand release”, “release fine tuning” and snap release polish” and then see “predict Contact” and the “Goldie locks series” and finally “target confirmation series”

Andy Bryan

Correct me if I’m wrong, but moving the right foot back to create a *diagonal* stance seems to be the logical progression from the *pre-turn* we used to discuss on the forum in relation to the braced tilt.

Shawn Clement

Lovely evolution this Wisdom in Golf is huh!?

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