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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Hi Shawn,

I just have a question about the exercise of the inverted club (the sword). When I do the right hand gesture (I play right-handed) I feel a great release towards the target. It’s the same with the left hand. The trouble is that when I put both hands together I clearly feel the energy being released at ground level and not towards the target. How can I do to harmonize the movement of both arms?



Picking an intermediate point it’s easy to do in practice but I have a hard time picking one or finding one on the course that is noticeable enough to stay focused on. Any thoughts about focus and finding that point at the course?

Rob Scrivener

Each time I watch one of your videos Shawn I am humbled and enriched. I’ve been struggling with a slice issue with my driver. My hand plane and club plane are 0 to negative so I’m not coming over the top. However, in doing slow swing movement practice I ensured that my club head was square to the target line, but when I complete the backswing to impact my body was partially turned and you guessed it… my club face was open by 12-20 degrees through the impact area. I had toyed with closing the club face at setup but thought that was a work around for ‘my problem’ and had discarded it. Closing the clubface slightly appears obvious now I’ve watched your video. How my posture and club face are at impact for a clean straight shot down the target line must influence my club at address unless I can dynamically change it with a slight arm rotation in the downswing prior to impact. I need to analyse this some more.
Again, great stuff Shawn.

Rob Scrivener

Oh Obi Wan… it worked!!!! What I set up at address (whilst somewhat twisted and bracing in an athletic stance to the target line, which feels more natural than 90 degrees square) presents at impact 😊 When I saw you adjust you stance and the club it made sense… and explained so many concerns I had. Just enlightening- thanks again Shawn. The biggest boost I am getting from your work is in my confidence in what I am doing.

Keep safe mate
Regards Rob


after watching your videos for weeks, countless trips to the driving range, played a round and shot a 79 from the tips. just my 5th round to playthis year but ive got a solid foundation to work with.,thanks for all you do

John La Pensee

Sorry, I found it.

John La Pensee

Where about is the catapult video….



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