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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Bill Weiss

AH HAH moment in Part 4 made me realize why my flight control probably isn’t as consistent as it should be!

Had the wrong picture in my mind about club face opened-ness at address, I think have my face closed just a tad too much and my draws have not been turning as much as I’d like nor going as far as they should


Shawn – Majority/All of the folks I play and see have square face at address? Most youtube vids of pro also suggest square face at address. Can you suggest any video with pros closing the face at address (I think I have asked this before on your youtube channel)

I have watched most of your videos, and your draws are overcooked most of the time – meaning ending way left of the pin when you have simulation software to show the ball flight. Aren’t we trying to keep the draw/fade to 2 yds ?

Also can you do me a favor by keep the ball in the same location and try to hit your draws and fade – ball behind the center and/or ball at center. I think you can have same result and we eliminate one variables out of many. Thank you, Sir.

Another question: how else you can explain the whip/zip in the downswing your driver and Iron game is AMAZING.


Thank you, Shawn.

visualization is the key to concept – specially for us beginners. For the sake of clarity/concepts – can you try hitting 3 balls each for fade and draw from the same ball position and see how the ball flight, distance, shape control is compromised or not ?

Appreciate you taking your time in improving our understanding of this beautiful game!



Shawn, I love the videos with the simulator. That feedback is priceless.

Art Giacalone

Shawn, it is unclear what the two tees are being used for in the example. Let’s say the ball lands on the fairway and you want to play a draw (as in the video). The club is in the center of your stance with the ball slightly back of center, getting behind the ball. I’m not sure what these tees have to do with the setup. Are you just trying to demonstrate how to get to Goldilocks (ball not too far forward or back) by using the tees as a way to track where the clubhead hits the ground?

Steve Crisp

Hi Shawn

Had that “I get it moment “ on the range yesterday, my draws and fades where working great but felt that the strain was high and intensity was low . at the top of the backswing I let the club naturally change direction with gravity before my downswing and WOW . Strike quality, whip , intensity all in abundance. It feels like a second of slow motion at the top . The football analogy is brilliant also thanks Shawn .


Jon R

Great visual with the center line on the screen combined with an intermediate line. I have an alignment rod I bought at Home Depot. Hopefully, they will let me use it at the indoor facility nearby. Not sure if I missed something discussed previously, but did you eliminate your starter move?

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