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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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David Kerr

Hi Shawn, so I am focusing on intermediate point, my arc and blur but I still hit everything left (with irons a straight pull 15 yards to left of target). It’s like my brain is wired (or my release is wired) to just hit it left when I throw the club 🙂 Any advice on how to get face aligned right?

David Kerr

straight flight going left, thanks.

David Kerr

Played again today, I worked to really focus on throwing out to the right to try and promote a draw… I got a lot of hooks (as well as on my fade shots they are going straight left). That ball just wants to go left!

Shawn Clement

Good! All you need to do is goldie locks the grip until you see the results you want! See “goldie locks series” videos!


Hi Shawn. Been struggling with consistency. Went through throwing the club drills, but something was missing. Then I watched the catapult video. Wow!

Things that the “catapult” task created in my swing:

  • more of a hip turn/butt to the target awareness;
  • a wider, consistent back swing as I allowed my arms to swing freely and away from my body;
  • an ability to stay behind the ball, without thinking of my head position;
  • a “ball on a string” feeling (which I understood intellectually, but did not “feel”.)

In short, by “losing control” (i.e. not manipulating) of the club, I let gravity take over. Slowly over the last weeks, I shortened my turn, kept my arms slightly closer to my body and moved my head on top of the ball, as I let my mind default to the ball.

Great analogy man!!!!


In part 5, I noticed that your wrist position at the top is quite cupped. Is this something you are intentionally trying to do for the draw?


Hi Shawn – you were on my bag today! Shot even on the F9. Things started going South, e.g., thin shots, weak pushes. Voice in my head said, “through the door frame.” I hit a brilliant 7-iron on 13th hole, and finished +2, my personal best. Thanks!


Shawn, you used to have videos on youtube where you would lift your lead foot off the ground a bit on the back swing. Do you still advocate that?I find it to be very natural, but I’m wondering if thats leading to some consistency issues on my end. It seems like sav and Mu do not do that move either.

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