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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Andrea Ferriello

Hi, I wanted to ask how to regulate the action of the wrists. Do you have to keep loose if they are guided by gravity, try to activate them voluntarily on impact like a whip, or try to keep them still in order to get square on impact? Thanks

Chris Fung

Hi Shawn, I m a single handicapper but I have not played golf for 3 or more years. Of course, I don’t play as good as I used to be. So, I decided to learn it again from grip. Luckily, I watched wisdom golf in YouTube so I joined wisdom golf as a member . Then, now I have questions, I m getting old(50yrs old) n I cannot make a full shoulder turn, only my arms can only reach parallel to the ground or a bit more. Now I hit 10 yards less than I used to on each club. Should I do more fitness training to get more flex or just let it lie n Just concentrate ur hitting method?
I have many many questions but it seems that it is too long for you. I will ask you later.

Shawn Clement

Hi Chris! I would start with the Senior Series that we have which is perfect for you; then see “purpose of the backswing” and “weight shift with Savy” so you don’t limit the backswing unintentionally. Then see the “Backswing series” and the “Brandel Chamblee” series. Then let me know how you are doing and we can go from there!👍😀

Chris Fung

I know more about the backswing, thx. One more question on the downswing, I sometimes get stuck my right elbow on the right side of my hip so how I can drop the my right elbow or arms unit in front of me.

Shawn Clement

See “football drill series” and combine that with “feet together drill”😀👍

Chris Fung

Thx a lot, after watched the video u recommended, I understand more info about downswing. If my swing is a bit cross line at the top, and the ball usually goes low n weak, how should I correct it ?

Shawn Clement

Has nothing to do with across the line at the top! What was the last thing going through your mind just before you swung? Hit the ball or throw the club into a nice release in the direction you want to start the ball with ease? See “pre-motor cortex series” videos for some VERY revealing info!

Chris Fung

Thx very much. I am amazing that the ball is going longer. And my question is release. I heard one of ur video that the feel of release is like wrist shots of ice hockey. I don’t really understand even I watch ice hockey competition frequently ( I graduated in Winnipeg ). I still cannot imagine how this applies in golf . Can u introduce some videos to me ? Thx.


Hey Shawn! Long time follower here. I’ve recently discovered that focusing on the height of my throw really improves contact and distance. But what I’m struggling with is the full task. When I focus on the height, the direction will often go out the window. But if I only focus on throwing in the right direction, I’m not nearly as consistent with contact. Thoughts?

Shawn Clement

Good stuff!
have you seen the latest “task update” we just posted last week? You are sending the dandelion stem over the intermediate point and out into the wind at the height desired; see also the “kinetic chain engagement series” specifically #6 which is my favourite!


Shawn, do you use your arms at all to throw the club or are the swung with the body?

Shawn Clement

It is all part of the kinetic chain; when throwing a ball, you notice the whole body is used and follows a specific sequence; this is actually a human reflex and to try and separate it and think it through would be SABOTAGE ON AN EPIC SCALE. See the “kinetic chain series” and the “kinetic chain engagement” series and feel how the arms are just SUPPORTING the task and have a very specific tone depending upon if it is a gentle throw for a pitch or a solid throw in a short iron from the thicker rough.

John Lyden

Hi Shawn,

I have been a huge fan of your teaching style. Your videos are amazing and have been super helpful.

I feel that one of my issues in not getting the proper release and/or snap in my swing has been not letting my right elbow fold. The recent sword drill has helped immensely in feeling that proper hinge/release with my trail arm/hand.

In the above video I notice in throwing the hammer and kettle bells your right elbow is not folding like it would if you had a golf club. I think copying that had been my issue. Any feedback I would appreciate. Thanks again for all the great videos!

John Lyden

Thanks so much Shawn!

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