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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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I always wanted to know how hard to feel like your are throwing the club in the golf swing. I think just under your last throw.

Shawn Clement

Very good! 😀👍👌

Christian Prior

Hi Shawn, I’m new to premium and absolutely love your teaching style. It is without a doubt the best explanation of the golf swing I have ever seen. I have started applying some of your concepts and am already seeing some effects (I carried my 7 iron up in the 180-190 range a few times today!)
I have a pretty specific question. I’m a left handed person who plays golf right handed…. I’m wondering how much of a problem this could be, or rather how much better a golf swing I could have if I switched to playing left handed? I would NEVER try to throw anything with my right hand…
I learnt to play when I was a teenager (was taught by my friends) and only had right handed clubs around and was never that great (sometimes breaking 100). Then stopped playing for years and have picked up golf again over lockdown. In four months of playing I’ve got to the stage where I’m shooting consistently in the low 90s and have shot an 84 and an 85… So I’m actually fairly early on in my golf journey and am wondering whether it might be good to switch to left handed before it’s too late?
I’m also equally happy to keep playing right handed if you think it won’t make too much of a difference. Would be great to avoid the extra work and a replacement of a whole set of clubs.
I’d love to hear your thoughts?

Christian Prior

Awesome, thanks for the clarification and quick response Shawn. You rock!


working on grip do you turn driver in to closed position like irons to get a proper grip

Shawn Clement

Yes, sometimes more and sometimes less and sometimes the same depending on the driver you have; see “predict contact” and “the goldie locks series” to get a more complete gist; also see “fade fine tuning” and “draw fine tuning” videos. 😀👍

Leo Bley


I got the Swing Impact Pro per your recommendation and discount; Thanks!

When I first got it, I could only consistently click it at 110 MPH club head speed, but now I’m up to 135 MPH in just one week. I believe this is because I am now (1) allowing my hands to fully cock at the end of my backswing, (2) engaging my core and gluteus as part of my “kinetic chain” and then (3) fully releasing my wrists / “the second pendulum” while focusing on “flinging paint” along my “initial path” at the point right (draw) / left (fade) of my “intermediate target”. I’m also trying to feel like I’m (4) “swinging the axe” down like my right arm is “skipping a stone” which I think of as aligning the bisection of my forearms and, as a result, the direction of the wrist “snuff box” hinge movement along the swing path / “initial path”.

Do you think numbers 1-4 are good feelings to in grain in my muscle memory? Do any concern you?

Can you point me to any YouTube / Premium videos that cover any of these four points?

P.S. #2, engaging my core and gluteus in my kinetic chain, was the only thing that allowed me to get to 135 MPH from ~125 MPH, and then consistently do so.

Shawn Clement

Hey Leo! Sorry I missed this one;
You definitely have the right ideas and visuals as well as the right tasks! Keep boiling things down to a single feel in the direction of the beginning of the flight plan and keep delivering “majestically” with ease; keep that strain down to keep optimizing the engagement of your kinetic chain! 😀👍


Sorry to post this here, but I didn’t see any other contact method. I would like to rewatch the “Arm Swing VS Body Turn” video, but I keep getting a 404 on the link. Thanks for looking into this. Also, this speed video is great.

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