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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Noah Roet

Hi Shawn. After decades of trying to keep my left foot down in the backswing I have found it hard to break out of that and it continues to plague me. Today, out of frustration in wanting a better body turn, I simply, after my “knee kick in”, started the backswing by raising my left heel away from the target. I use the sledge hammer drill most of the time and by doing this heel lift, I found I had a much bigger body turn and it improved my kinetic chain so much because I was able to really plant that heel. I was crushing it so much better. Are there any problems or red flags with this approach that you could envisage down the track? Could it cause a “short circuit”?

Shawn Clement

Good stuff! As long as you stay on task through the ball and into the direction you want to start the ball, the brain will need to plant it back to accomplish this. We are masters at bilateral movement! A great series is the “kinetic chain facilitation and engagement series”

Jake Pisano

hi Shawn, just joined premium after commenting on one of your recent videos! Trying to dial in backswing feel and was wondering where can I see more about the “levitation”?

Shawn Clement

Hey Jake!
yes, see “backswing levitation’ and “garage door drill” as well as “lead hand release in the backswing” which is big!

James Cooper

Hey Shawn, I know I’m not supposed to focus on body position but instead the task, however today at the range I could actually sense forearm rotation at the top of my backswing. In your opinion could seeking that feel be ingrained into the task of delivering the club towards the target? You advocate a pause at the top of the backswing, could that pause be used to feel the forearm rotation prior to completion of the task? Thx

Michael Gallagher

Hey shawn for part 1 of this series for the backswing you mention to focus more on the upper body and not having the arms hits the rib cage. Is it a good idea to focus on the shoulders moving the arms (weight of arm club unit) in the backswing and just let the legs move without thinking about it ? My interpretation is that if you move the shoulders and do not allow the arms to hit the rib cage the legs and hips will move without thinking about it. Am I interpreting this correctly ? I tend have my hands and arms dictate my backswing and it seems to cause me to get bunched up and lead to getting off task and sway/coming over the top.

Thanks for the great content

Matthew Veal

Part 5 is on putting – I had a terrible putting round today. I could feel something was off. I had a buddy take a look at my putting stroke from behind the line and he said I was taking it away outside the line. He videoed me as well to confirm. This was causing me to cut across the ball, almost an unintentional putt fade setup. Any typical reasons for an outside takeaway with the putter?

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