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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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i completely understand the swing arc as it pertains to the irons and where to play in my stance but when i play my driver forward in stance , i struggle with hitting pull draws . isn’t the swing arc going to the left when the ball is played forward? i struggle getting the ball started to the right

Sandy Chan

Hi Shawn,
1) When you say you “aim” at the pin (for a draw) – do you mean to say the clubface is aimed at the pin at address? Or your feet are aligned at the pin at address (but clubface is now aimed left of the target)?

2) Where do you aim the clubface for a draw or a fade?



I would like to understand the closed face for the draw and less closed he fade. The face looks square at address to me. Is that because your hands are forward at address? My understanding of Trackman is that ball starts at about 70 to 75% of where face is at impact and curves away from the path. I understand how to hit a draw the way you talk about it. But I do not understand the set up and face for a fade.
Do you ever get out in the western United States to teach?
Thanks Chip


I have questions regarding just how closed the face is for the draw and how open the face is for the fade. Could you do a close up of the set up showing the face ‘neutral’ then show the face closed and then slightly open for the fade?

As an aside, I have been playing for nearly 60 years now and am finding your teaching really refreshing. Just wish I hadn’t spent so many years paying for instruction that really didn’t help me substantially. Thanks for your clarity in instruction. I’m really enjoying the simplicity of this approach and have already started seeing improvement in my ball striking and a gain in distance. Thought it was inevitable that moving into my 60s that things would diminish. I’m heartened. Any chance you’ll get down to the Atlanta area this fall or early spring?



Dale Ward

The flight scope generated path arc seems to clearly indicate the low point on the draw swing is well in front of the ball but more or less at the ball with the fade (i.e., lower angle of attack). What adjustments are needed to control the height of the shot?
Draw set up + fade grip = low push fade?
Also, and this one continues to confuse me, assuming you have right grip for the shot (appropriately closed when in neutral) does it matter how open or closed or square it is at address (i.e., how you rotate the arm club unit)?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x