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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Hi Shawn, I luv this video on the lead hand release, and was really looking forward to the following week when you stated you would be talking about the trailing hand release, I saw your grip video you did next but would luv a video on the trailing arm release like the one done above – how about it!


Hi Shawn,

What if the club tends to fall behind me a bit too much? Would my lead hand release need to feel more “out” towards the ball rather than down?

Dario D'Andrea

Hi Shawn!

I heard you mention that Munashe’s club face had to be a little less closed because of his more emphatic release. I have run into a little bit of a hook issue with my irons that I never sorted out last year. Over time, as my overall golfing ability improved using your brilliant method, I noticed a hook started to creep in and get progressively worst. I also have difficulty fading the ball now, when it was my go-to shot before you taught me how fun it was to draw the ball at Royal Quebec a couple of years back.

I am a little confused at the moment. Wouldn’t a deeper more emphatic release warrant a stronger grip or more closed face? Would the club not stay open deeper into the swing?

I hit 5 of 6 fairways this morning but only had 2 GIR for the 9 holes I played because of my iron hooking issue! The same will happen with my woods and hybrids if I close the face too much. I have been reluctant to ease up on the clubface because I thought it meant my release was not deep enough, but based on my experience, would you recommend fine tuning my clubface closures? I think a goldilocks range session is in order!


Hey Shawn, great video. The leading hand (left hand) has always been a struggle for me. Perhaps my right hand is more dominant so it overpowers my left hand and causes my left hand to cave inwards after the release instead of fully extending forward. Would consciously letting my left hand take over on the down swing help with this?


Hey Shawn, I have difficulty trying to duplicate the feel of sword slashing when i use two hands vs one. My takeaway is much worse and I feel the weight a lot less too

Mohanjit Singh

Hi Shawn
Golf has started to limp back here in India.
As usual I have been following your recent videos on release and grip and trying specifically to implement the lead hand release for either sending the 2 tees through the intermediate point or sending the tip of the tee to the left or right of the intermediate point. I have observed that my release does not have the snap. It is kind of muted. When I turn the club upside down and cut the bamboo shoot it is quite snappy.
Can I get some advise on this.

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