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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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In this video, you mention the live Facebook event. Can you share the link for this?


Shawn – the “Wisdom in Golf” group doesn’t seem to come up on FB. I only see your personal page. Is there a different name I should be looking for?


Perfect! Got it now. Thanks, Shawn. Also, wanted to say congrats to you for the upcoming wedding and to a great time with your future son-in-law. It is wonderful. I have my first son-in-law last year. It is wonderful.



Good Morning Shawn,
Thanks for continuing to present great material.

I do a lot of my practice sessions in my garage. I have a nice hitting mat, net and launch monitor. I also generally use impact tape on all clubs while practicing.

One thing I’ve noticed is that I generally tend to hit the ball towards the toe until I really get loosened up. It may take 25-35 shots before I start getting things towards the sweet spot consistently.

This seems to be the case regardless of what club I’m using. I think I’m pretty consistent with distance to the ball so I’m not sure what’s causing this.

Once I’m warmed up the pattern is generally around the sweet spot, although not as tight of dispersion as I want.

Any thoughts on this? What other factors other than distance to ball impact centeredness?


Yes. Even when warming up I have a rubber tee that I place in front of the ball for my intermediate point, I’m envisioning the ball flight (draw / fade, high / low) and picking a target area on my net.


I liked at the end where you talked about distance to the ball
I discovered last week that I had moved too close to the ball as a friend tip two years ago. Wrecked my natural swing, found all my shots pulled left. Changed to a little further back based on perpetual motion and guess what I can baby draw the ball and fade the ball at will based on intermediate point. That’s why for most golfers your teaching is the best. Always hated trying to figure out that swing plane thing. 👍


Great video! Could you please offer the reference video for the collect and release the tees toward the target?


I am right-handed. At address, what is the weight distribution? At the top of the backswing, what is the weight distribution?

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