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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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Michael Gallagher

Hey shawn

I have been praticing throwing the club and have done a pretty good job with it. My question is when i throw the club towards my target and do not actually throw the club. I feel like the weight of the club pull me to my lead side. Is that the proper feeling I should have ?

Thank you

Michael Gallagher

What i mean is when i throw the club to the target and i do not let go i feel like the club is pulling my shoulder sockets in the direction of the target. I was wondering if that is the proper feeling to have.

Michael Gallagher

Hey Shawn I am continuing with throwing the club. I am throwing the club quite straight but I feel I am still using my arms and hands to still throw them. I know yoy mention in one of your youtube videos that Mun use to have this problem and you told him to throw the clubs with the legs. Do you have any video that can help pratice with just throwing with your legs ?

Thanks for the awesome content !

Tom Catanzarite

Love the feel. Question after viewing biomechanics experts there seems to be a difference of opinions when to release the club throwing or if one is using a hammer or kettle bell. Seems three targets 1 several feet in front along the target line. 2 Horizontal parallel to target line 3 extremely left as if over the lead shoulder.

Shawn Clement

NEITHER ONE TOM!!! This is the sickness that surrounds golf!! THE TARGET DETERMINES WHEN YOU LET GO!! The conscious mind works at 40 bits per second and the built in self preserving system works at 40 million bits per second. The conscious mind chooses and then witnesses the machine delivering to the target.

Tom Catanzarite

Thxs Shawn, understand the reply, so if I want the ball to go high over a bunker I release high, low runner release low my task determines .
Enjoying the channel

Shawn Clement


Christopher Calabria

Shawn my neighbors think I’m crazy now they watched me tossing hammers and old clubs at trees.

Dan Santucci

Shawn, on one of your videos (which I can’t remember the specific one) you made some suggestions about the best type of grind to have on the sand wedge and on best degrees of bounce for different sand conditions and for sand wedge usage off the fairway. Could you summarize your suggestions about best wedge bounce degrees and type of grind for specific types of sand conditions and for usage off the fairway. Thanks

Dan Santucci

Shawn, I am a 76 year old golfer and new to your premium channel. I have been watching your senior series of instructional videos (as well as others) and paid special attention to your focus on throwing clubs down range with -0- manipulation. I went out to the back yard today and was able to successfully toss clubs on a medium trajectory and toward my target. I just returned from the range and wow I am impressed with the results. Crisp ball contact with compression and when I swing to the right of an intermediate target it gets me spot on the flag. Thank you. I can’t wait to get out on the course.

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