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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn irons are great. Fairway woods and driver fifty percent great. When the big hook comes it feels like my fight hand is is doing a fast release at the ball but that my club arm unit is still going to the target. The ball goes straight out and then exits stage left. I believe because they are woods I am trying too hard sometimes. Is there something I can concentrate on in the task to slow the swing and delay the release?


Thanks Shawn. I have avoided the fade swing since your teachings fixed my swing. For thirty years I was an expert fader, I mean slicer. I never wanted to go back to that, so I have been hesitant to try or work on a fade. Even in a right to left wind I will setup for a draw if I have enough room. I will try to add it to the next practice session.

Jeff Keener

Shawn, I came across this video today. It is highly representative of your teachings…just a different approach. I’d be interested to hear your comments on it (about the instructor and his methods, not necessarily about the author of the video per se).

Thanks as always!

Jeff Keener


Oops, here’s the link!

Jeff Keener

Thanks Shawn!


Hi Shawn
I love your tempo and your ease. It’s a great example for me !
But I’m embarrassed with the head club. When you throwing the club, we can see, in slow motion, that the head club is 15cm upward the ground and I cannot understand that without manipulating.

Thomas Parisi


Good morning.

I am having some difficulty with the driver. The trajectory is too high. However, I am NOT crowning the ball just going too high. I use a 10 degree loft driver and my distance is still about 230-240 even with the high trajectory. I am making solid contact too. I have not taken a video of my swing to submit, which I plan on doing next week. Until then do you have any suggestions – I have watched the Driver series a few times but still in need of your expertise for sure.

Thanks in advance,


Thomas Parisi

BTW – it is a 10.5 degree driver – not adjustable – it is an old Cobra. My wife my not like the fitting suggestion but you need to do what you need to do 🙂 – you cant believe how you have transformed my game. Playing only for 2 years and since seeing your first video – “Throwing the clubs” which I found by accident looking at comical videos about on course temper tantrums. In that time my 56 degree went from my 50 yard club to my 100 yard club, my 7 iron is now at almost 160 yards and my 3 hybrid is a solid 175-180! It appears that I have a natural fade and now with the infamous “intermediate point” I am practicing how to use it effectively!

Cant thank you enough!!!

Philip Johnson

When lining up your target in the distance through your intermediate point do you find it easier/more accurate to focus on throwing over the right edge of the intermediate point (for a draw) or the target in the distance (let’s say a tree that’s behind the middle of the green drawing it back to a left pin ). I ask because of our faulty side vision and curious if that effects our ability of throwing accurately when we set up for a shot focused out in the distance .



I’m struggling between the analogies of the football throw and pin the ball against the door frame when it comes to anti-manipulation. How are these two drills accomplished without a form of manipulation.

Thanks in advance,


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