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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Shawn, thanks for the great videos. I was trying the throwing the club drill for the first time and found myself stepping through the throw with my right leg (I am right handed) . I think it was Gary Player who did this as a pro. Is this something you would recommend?


Hi Shawn,

When Throwing a club with a low trajectory, say waist high, I can do it flawlessly. I can vary the velocity, change the target, throw to the right for a draw, and in general release it consistently. When I I try to throw the club on a higher trajectory, say over 8-10 ft, I throw it wayyy too high and severely to the left (I’m right-handed)…I feel like I am target focused, but the other day, I threw a club up into a tree and got it stuck! (I can only imagine the look on the tree trimmers face when they get up there) Any advice on a likely culprit would be awesome!

Thank you in advance!


When when you throw the club do you feel more emphasis on the front foot like best downswing weight shift and how do you mesh ” throwing ” with the feeling of heavy momentum


Thanks Shawn! Yes I do believe I have a solid intermediate point, but I must say it is the thing that becomes the most elusive for me when my game begins to struggle. I have a hard time keeping focus and even picking an intermediate point sometimes. that being said, I think it’s likely strain level because I am thinking a bit more about the higher trajectory than I do about the waist high. I would say that’s probably exactly why pull a fair amount of shots too…gotta ingrain to RIBS it!

Thank you as always! This unstoppable momentum terminology has really locked it in for me recently, so keep it up!



Shawn – really been working on this drill this Summer. I’ve noticed when I flip release (right hand under left), the club goes left of target – looks hooked. When I feel like I’m pushing the right hand for a better release (right hand over left hand), club goes to target. I also end at a better finish with both hands.


“Throwing the club “is definitely the best for me at antimanipulation.Today I hit 70 out of 75 balls without manipulation using this analogy.Definitely a light bulb 💡 moment for me .Stopped me from any thoughts of body parts.Walked away from the driving range feeling like I hadn’t used any energy as it was also totally stress free. Thanks


Hi Shawn, Can I just say, a massive thank you to you and Savannah. Everything finally clicked into place to and it’s all down to your fantastic content and your amazing teaching ability. I saw a video of you and your daughter and she said she preferred the feeling of throwing a frisbee, well I used that today and who’d have known that I was a lead hand dominant player. Massive strike and direction improvement. So thank you again, and please pass on my gratitude to Savannah.

Matt from Plymouth in the UK

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