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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Back working on grip. I get the need for firm pressure with the lead hand. What about the trail hand pressure, I’m wondering if there should be less pressure on the trail hand so you don’t throw the club over the top.
Really like being about to find the fundamentals when I need them.

Shawn Clement

Hi Craig! You want that trail hand secure as well and that would have 0% influence on the Over the top action. See “throwing the club” and the “throwing series” as well as all the “release” videos that come up in the search box.

Donald Moir

Hi, Shawn. I put this question here to ask about relationship to grip as it affects (or not?) swing path. (When I saw this first video on grip about a month ago, I found the change gave me an extra full club length throughout the bag. Fantastic!)

Driver at the range yesterday. Particularly with driver, I find an ingrained swing pattern, even with different amounts of closed club face, that ends many times in a slice, and regardless of set up, with conscious intention, for fade / neutral / draw. (Which is frustrating, and one gets lonely for the left side of a fairway!) I get that WIG is definitely not about body position.

But had this experience: After a while, I found that by slightly rotating my lead forearm (left side) so that the point of elbow was pointing more towards ground (from unconsciously / naturally for me, more toward target — perhaps artifact from baseball bat swing setup?), shots straightened out immediately, with consistency. (I’m sure I’ve read articles about this — inner joints of elbows facing to sky, that sort of thing. Perhaps in Hogan’s 5 Lessons, and that arms bound together image.)

And then I noticed that the “elbow pointing more down” condition could be accomplished either by keeping my strong-ish grip (3 knuckles) and only rotating the forearm or by shifting to a weaker grip (which affects the whole arm). In the Snap Release Polish – Wow video, at one point you suggest that Sav weaken her grip slightly in face of a too strong draw. Which I mention in case there’s a relation. I have tried a more neutral grip at times, but, as with most of your students, find that doesn’t work too well. Swinging more elbow-down feels strange, but maybe that’s just because different than what I’m used to.

I’ll continue to experiment, but wondered if you had any guidance about what might / might not be happening.

I come at the golf swing (in early 60s) from movement patterns of baseball and tennis from childhood / teen years (in tennis: solid backhand, but wild forehand). Kinetic chain, no problem. And sometimes I lock into consistent straight fades with driver (before yesterday, without thought about elbows). But then it’s gone the next day, and takes many shot attempts to find again. Thank you.

Shawn Clement

Stay with elbows pointing down and in front of you with strong grip; this will release nicely as the Radius is pre-loaded around the ulna and will have some rotational momentum for draw and closing face through impact. Also helps the lead arm-wrist-hand to yield to allow the right hand to release over it as you let the weight of the club release you as in the “snap release polish” video.

George Dashkewytch

It appears that here you are advocating a neutral grip yet in you tube videos you state that the vast majority of us should be using a very strong grip. Please explain.

Shawn Clement

Hi George; it is the FORMATION of the hands on the club that we start with and once we have the secure, airtight and vacuum sealed grip, we use the “grip club relationship” in the “goldie locks series” videos to find the right combination that will allow the ball to fly the way you need it to fly.

John Bender

Hey Shawn! I recently discovered your channel after looking for an online golf training option. I love the volleyball idea, and will be making that purchase soon! I can’t wait to continue exploring this section, and continue working on the fundamentals!

Shawn Clement

Right on John! You are in the right place! 😀👍👌

Jacob Hyatt

Hey Shawn! I played high school and collegiate golf but always struggled with consistency of my golf swing and seen a few of your videos about the swing and I am sold! Scrap everything and start over, let’s grind.

Shawn Clement

Right on Jacob! This is the place! Let’s have at it! 👍😀💪

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