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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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I really feel the distinct release of the club past the hands toward the target for pitch shots and “low power” full swings. However when I go past maybe 65-70% and club speed goes up the feel becomes much more vague. Is this something that is expected or is it an indication that I am starting to manipulate in order to add more oomph to the swing?


Great videos Shawn, and my game is improving nicely since finding you.

I feel my major deficiency has always been flipping. For years, I have been trying to correct this by concentrating on Forward Shaft Lean and Bowed Lead Wrist videos, instruction, etc. and guess what? I still flip my lead hand. The trail hand rarely feels activated. (BTW, I play like your daughter, swing left, but right hand dominant). I started throwing clubs as you suggest and I believe I still flip on the release when I let go. I think I am also flipping while doing perpetual motion drills too? I watched this video and my question is…

Do I need to learn to roll the lead wrist under and trail wrist over, however, do it without “manipulation?” In other words, I may have to try and manipulate the wrists rather than just “feel the weight of the club?” Hopefully you understand my quandary? I just started these drills using weighted objects , but again seems like aimed activation. I willing to keep at it, love the game, but want to make sure I am on the right path.

Daniel Carbonell

Omy gosh….yesssssss…i needed this bad.. i was noticing i felt restricted on my left side..wich would cause my body to come out of position..wich made me block right… lol..not no more..thanks gr8 vid


Extremely helpful as always Shawn!
Am i correct in imaging that not releasing properly is a significant clubhead speed inhibitor?
If so, by how much can that be?


Shawn— I had a break through thanks to you and the back ground instruction I have done over the past 5 years when I began to play golf at age 50. The immedite cause of this massive improvement is that, without saying it in any of your videos?, you really teach students how to drop into the slot. Its a scary, new feeling to keep my arms close together, make a full, real back turn, and bravely bend my right elbow to 90 degrees. I can even pause here at the top almost indefinately like your baseball player at the plate waiting for a pitch. But, when I make a small weight shift and rotate while, at the same time unweighting my arms and leading with a pointed right elbow and connected left armpit, I feel the weight of the sword falling into the directly into ball, which actually releases the wrists, and the finish is perfect with a natural rehinge. Golf Tips Magazine, in the current print issue (January/February) has one teaching blurb: “Full Back, ‘Free Fall” and Through. Key Feel— “Trap Door” Triggered by the Hips. But, I would not have understood this with your teaching of the using the weight of the sword and we are gravity geniuses.. Thank you.! Paul B.

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