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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

Check Out our Subscription plans for the complete Golf Video Series with Shawn.

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I have been using the Claw Grip on the Putter for a long time. What do you think of that type of Grip. Please respond. Thanks.


Thanks. That was very helpful. You should be a Teacher, ha-ha. Be Well.


Shawn, when putting, should I have the ACU hang naturally with my posture for putter head placement OR should the putter head be under my shoulders?


I practiced just the ACU placement and PMD today and hit a lot of solid putts. I have a feeling summer golf is going to be a lot of fun this year. Thanks Shawn!


Hi Shawn
Alway enjoy your videos and your concise, on target explanations. In viewing the putting-stroke and distance video, it appears you do not advocate a forward press of the putter, as that changes the angles and stroke momentum line. What if a person has difficulty initiating the putting stroke? How would you advise to rectify this problem.

Asad Ali

Hi Shawn, for distance control, I practice the length of my stroke arc on the side before taking the position on the ball. This works better for me than deciding on the arc length at the very end. Is that what you recommend as well? Thanks


Over the summer I have begun to struggle with Right to Left breaking putts. I’m right-handed and typically what happens is I’ll either accelerate out of fear of leaving it short and hammer it through the break, OR completely decel on it out of fear of running it way by. It’s lead to way too many 3 putts in tournaments. Have the state Senior Am coming up in about a month and been working hard on Right to Left putts to get some confidence back but would appreciate and Drills you may have.
Thanks for Colorado!


Thanks for the Response/Input Shawn! Question: Did you receive my Driver Swing video I emailed you 3-4 days ago? I tried to upload it here on the webpage but it didn’t work. Thanks Again!

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