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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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What about chip shots or shots under 50 yards?

Do you find by laying club on the last life line in fingers on lead hand and near the base on trail hand works best?


For years from countless instructors we have been taught to grip the club diagonally into the middle knuckle of the lead hand. It was from your grip videos that I started gripping it at the base of the fingers you know like a suitcase. I will test logic thru trail and error. Over the course of 3 days I hit hundreds of golfballs using both methods. The results are eye popping astonishment. Don’t believe it test it for yourself. I have seen numerous instructors draw that line diagonally with a perminate marker onto a golf glove. I am absolutely 100% convinced that was b.s. I am compressing the golfball like never before. Thank yinz all. Great work


In the video you close the face and take a neutral grip. Then at address as you square the club face the grip becomes a super strong grip. Are you meaning to demonstrate how to get a strong grip or are you saying that’s how you would get a strong grip rather than taking a strong grip on a square club face. I know that closing the club face does work doing if this way. Just a little confused.


Yup 1st video is what I needed to know. It’s such a unique way to get the strong grip in a swing setup position. It works.

Paul Haber

This along with “Swing too Fast?? Rushing Downswing..”, took me over the hump. For the first time in years I can fell momentum, “levitation” at change of direction, release and acceleration towards the target with any club, every time, IN MY PRACTICE SWING. Above the ball I go right back to rushing and trying kill Mr. Callaway. I can’t seem to stay with my target or the feel with any consistency.

I know you address this in many videos but if you had to pick one, which would it be?

Paul Haber

Yes. It’s the transition from the backswing that completely breaks down. Even when I properly complete the backswing and can feel the natural pause, instead of allowing the weight and the body to “get out of the way” my hands drop down to hit the ball. usually the ground first.. Seems to happen as a reflex. I can’t keep any of the rhythm i establish with the practice swing or drills. Looking back at the swing, I realize I lost focus on the task at some point but can’t tell you when that happened.


Hey Paul – if ever I get a little uncertain about transition I think of 2 Shawn nuggets
1 Outa the way, Outa the way – as in you are moving one side of your body (Hips, shoulders, arms, hands, club) up to the top of your swing – like heaving an axe and then reverse (IE Lead side then trail)
2 the other “feel” is throwing the club to the target in the same way you could skip a stone or throw a ball. If you have never tossed a club in your practice swing (in nets) it is an amazing drill/fell for me.
My warmup starts with baseball, then 30% effort to build speed, then throw club at target before i even hit a ball! Good way to psych out your mates too!


Great video!

Is there a link to the video « Swing too Fast?? Rushing Downswing»? I am unable to find it. I also seem to go full samurai when I am hitting a ball as opposed to a practice swing. 😄


Never mind, I found it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ERdMP_Yum9w


Grip master class!

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