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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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Shawn, light bulbs going on after watching this, but taking a neutral grip and then “getting behind the ball” to see the face square up seems a little odd to me. Since the levelness of one’s stance, or the distance one’s feet are apart can vary greatly from shot to shot (even in a fairly flat place like Florida where I play) are you ok with barely holding onto the club and delaying taking the grip and first finding your balance and that ideal braced tilt set-up position (like where you experiment on how to find the right ball position with the door frame exercise) and then taking the grip that feels comfortable once you reach that setup now with the club pointed directly at the target? This may seem backwards, but it feels right to me. And as a checkpoint, if I do this in the way I’m suggesting and then I stand straight up to get into the “hammer down” position the clubface is indeed “closed” at that point. I’m just getting there a different way.

Michael Vinton

Great video Shawn. Thanks to you I’ve been playing with a closed face for months and striking it better and better. It’s funny, because all my mates want to point out that my face is closed way too much..

Nothing prettier than Christian Yellich in full stride ripping a baseball. Great idea to show that momentum.

David Boyd

Thanks Shawn. Awesome video. I believe my iron inconsistency is caused by trying to set-up with too neutral of a grip and then trying to time my wrists to shut the face. I am all over the course and working my tail off. Funny thing is I use a much stronger grip with my driver and am staying in the fairway much of the time. I got off my strong grip with my irons due to an instructor comment regarding my hooking the ball. I think it was more a of set-up issue. Can’t wait to get back to my stronger grip tomorrow and see the results.


Hi Shawn – Outstanding video and made me realize I was lifting my lead shoulder to create the back to square and not tilting properly. Do you close a hybrid the same as an iron?


Hi Shawn, I joined today after watching one of your grip videos. I have come back to golf after a few years out as I really struggled last time round with consistency. At one point I was to an 8 HC and then I would just start shanking the ball and this process would repeat over and over. Just to clarify the points here so I am straight on what you are saying.

1. close the clubface between 35 / 45 degrees and take a neutral grip / with the index hook (no problem this is my grip)

2. Take a braced tilt over the ball as if setting up to drive an axe into a tree, thus producing a flush clubface at address and impact.

Is this correct?

One other point, if I have gathered my facts correctly, where do I aim my shot. Do I set up just as I currently do, using a train track method with parallel clubface and feet to target line, or do I need to make adjustments to the right?

Thanks, I am really looking forward to trying this all out on Saturday and learning the “Wisdom in golf” way

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