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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Bill Weiss

Hitting driver has always been fun, your driver series got me started but it seems I can only get a fade out of it – even with a draw biased driver, regardless of how much I change my setup and aim over the intermediate point…

TBH – a straight fade is pretty much the end result with all of my clubs, it’s getting reliable as my “stock shot” but for the life of me – I can’t get the ball to go right and come back – ever….

Only left and back…. Granted, that’s better control than I had three years ago and I am actually OK with not being able to hit a draw now, I can still lower my handicap this season, but that’s not going to carry me forever…

Thoughts I can chew on?

Bill Weiss

Got it! Will give it a shot next time I am standing over a ball!


Bill Weiss


The snow melted and was at the range today – it turns out I CAN hit a baby draw!

Well, I hit a few anyway and that was more than the NONE I was able to hit before and the guy there said it will be a little easier with the balls I play compared to their range balls (super soft, like 50 and single core for limited flight)

Paul Stevenson

Hi Shawn
Would you recommend a slightly closed stance for the longer irons similar to the driver ???


Shawn, I struggle and am off balance with my driver at the end of my swing, , if I alter my stance, and move the back foot back slightly this should make my swing more stable?


Hi Shawn,
This may be a “Golden Nugget” for me – Thanks!
I watched the video the first time and tried it the other day at the driving range and course with little success. I immediately knew that I had missed something – and I had. I watched the video a few more times and picked up that from a traditional square stance you appear to move your lead foot about 1/2 shoe closer to the ball or target line and slightly flared. At the same time – moving your rear foot 1/2 shoe away from the ball or target line and slightly flared. Please confirm this observation to “fine tune” a clarity confirmation to cement my confidence to imbed this new stance into my game.

What a difference! I previously experienced issues with a “conventional square stance” with higher velocity swings – I felt out of balance and slightly out of control. With this nugget, I feel more in control, balanced and free to swing away. It’s also helped me with my Hybrids as well – gaining distance and accuracy with all of my longer clubs.

It help me achieve one of my better rounds today:
SCORECARD: GIR% 61, FIR% 86 / ROUND MILESTONES: DB Free, 3-Putt Free, 70’s Round

As Always… Thank you,
Jack Moore


Thanks for the stance confirmation; I am now fully confident that I got it, and will imbed this nugget into my game. As you know I’ve been following your WIG techniques for a number or years and it has improved every aspect of my game, helped me to lower my scores and handicap, and to have more fun.
This slightly closed stance certainly helps my mind’s eye to see the flight plan directly over my intermediate point more comfortably with my rehearsal swings. As you mentioned in the video, I find it an easier and more effective method to draw my tee shots with this stance.
It’s a great feeling to watch a properly executed ball in flight that matches the flight plan that we form in our mind. It literally makes me smile and sometimes even laugh out loud. I sometimes say… Thanks Shawn!
As always, Thanks for what you do…
Jack Moore

Richard Taylor

Hey Shawn,
Thanks for the driver nugget tried the new alignment it worked for a moment and I always seem to slip back into old habits. So much that I have to work with my 3 wood off the tee for 220 to 250 my driver is always the adventure as you noticed when I was with you at DeBell lol thanks so much for everything!

Richard Taylor

Thanks I will have an awesome day!

Philip Graves

Does this mean that, compared to a 9 iron, one would be less open when hitting a fade with driver?

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