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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Rich Mercadante

Hi Shawn,

Really good info. I’m a 61 y/o lefty.. Doing really well with the irons using the strong grip, throwing the club, etc. But am all over the place with the woods and driver. esp hooks and occ tops. I know I must be defaulting to the ball, but it’s so hard to think of just throwing the club out there when I’m looking a the ball or tip of the tee. Annika Sorenstam comes to mind with her swing… never seems to look at ball, LOL. May I could try just concentrating more on the throw and forget about the ball? Thoughts?

Shawn Clement

We need a bit more reinforcements with the woods and driver; see “great driver nugget” and “diagonal stance driver fade and draw” as well as “arc-blur” and “unstoppable momentum” videos; Shawn

Terry Anderson

What, if any, is the significance of almost always breaking tees? Is that related to AOA?

Sandy Chan

I can’t be more envious of this guys AOA at +7 degrees. I’m lucky if I get 0.0, at best, I’m still stuck at -0.5 with 4,000rpm backspin.

What drills would you suggest in order for me to get a more positive AOA please?

Shawn Clement

Hey Sandy! See the “arc-blur unstoppable momentum series” and be aware of not just the blur of club’s direction, be aware of the low point of it!


Hi Shawn, feeling more and more confident in the irons with my natural draw and 170y. My driver gives around 150 mph ball speed but don’t get over 260y. Any specific videos or other measurements I should check next time on TopTracer? Have a Ping driver from last year 9,5

Shawn Clement

Hi Fredrik! Sounds to me like you probably have too much spin on the ball and are not catching enough on the upswing; what kind of flight are you getting? Fade or draw? Where is the ball starting in relation to the target and what direction is the curvature?


Normally a low/mid draw but sometimes a too strong draw/hook but I think that is mainly when I lose my target/task and focus on the ball.
As I have the eagle sub I will make a video for you review and see how we can improve the distance 🙂
Thanks for bunch of great videos that taken me thru the Christmas break in these COVID-times!

Shawn Clement

Perfect! Send it in!
and you are welcome; let’s make 2021 the best ever!


Ok. Sent it directly to your email yesterday for review 🙂


Hi Shawn, maybe I missed this in the video, do you have any tips re hitting in the middle of the club face?


Got it, thanks bud! I will check those out this week.

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