Wisdom in Golf Premium

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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Great video, very clear!

Mohanjit Singh

Hi Shawn. Hope all is well. Haven’t played golf in a long time now. But keep watching your videos and try to remain in shape.
If I have not missed it anywhere, what would you recommend for woods and hybrids vis-a-vis the 2 tee drill?

William Crowe

Hey Shawn! I experimented with Sav’s strong grip! I literally nutted all the short irons with complete control of the face! Once I got to the 7 iron thru the driver it was Duck Hook City even though it felt like I was releasing towards the target! Any suggestions why? I would love to keep that strong grip throughout the set!! Thanks Buddy

Thomas Kihr

Same here, just came back from the course. Especially driver was an issue today. Normally i tend (probably like most of the beginners) to slice with the driver. Today i followed what i have learned here (grip strong, face closed, align a bit to the right, release right of intermediate, etc.) and all over sudden, 90% of my shots got left of center line – some even a bit hooky 😀 (some of the iron shots went left as well)

Did i get it right? Leave everything as it is, but adjust clubface to be not too closed?
Best regards from a wonderful day out on the course.


Shawn, I am new to the premium channel. Which video should I look at to learn about that football release? Thanks for all you do


Mu’s grip is much less strong than several weeks ago. I recall a very strong grip in a previous video. Can you discuss the changes? Was it once the perpetual motion light bulb clicked and the motion got better, the grip changes?


After about 3 months of viewing free videos on YouTube I’ve taken the plunge to premium membership. Does anyone have any recommendations on the best order to watch some of the premium videos? Or should I just pick areas that are concerning to me?

I love your videos. I’ve been playing for 20+ years and I’ve always been between a scratch and 5 handicap, but I think my ball striking and distance can still get better. I’ve also always struggled with thinking too much and thinking about mechanics and positions too much. Since I’ve been working on my game after watching the free videos on YouTube I’m getting my distance back (185 avg. 7 iron carry on the launch monitor), but I feel my effort is really high to get this. I also have a tendency for my backswing to be short if I don’t focus on it (no flexibility issues though).

Look forward to hearing from anyone.

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