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Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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So I played today and as I replayed my round in my head this evening most of my misses were over draws, even with my approach lower irons. I sensed this during the round and tried to switch to fades, but , some of those turned in to double cross pulls. I pluck an intermediate target and Terri to have a picture of the shot in my mind, but I think I may be starting my downswing from the top. When I have sent video in you have identified the transition as my difficulty


It works like advertised and I am happy with and use it on most shots. The web has me confused “they” keep saying the angle of the club face is 85% responsible for initial direction. My best guess is you are swinging out to the right so it is a little less closed. The hands are forward at impact so again a little less closed. Is that all it takes to take the 45 degrees club face out and start the ball at the target on the exaggerated draw shot?


Interesting experience I had about closing the face. I noticed that I was still going at the ball and hitting blocks and hooks, and just couldn’t understand why I was doing that. I then decided to try to close the face more, and suddenly I felt I could release deeper, blocks and hooks are gone, just getting a slight over draw when I’m not releasing to my target enough. I think I was compensating for a weak grip. People don’t believe me when tell them I fixed my hook by closing the face more 🙂


vincent – thanks for sharing your insight; very interesting comment

Mark Cohn

Roughly how much draw were you doing from straight (5yds, 10yds, etc)?

For your stock draw, do you vary that amount depending on the club (length of shot) or is roughly the same?

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