Wisdom in Golf Premium

  • From Mohanjit Singh on SLICING & PULLING SERIES - PART ONE

    I had a question/observation Shawn. When I get behind the ball to swing to the right of the intermediate point(IP), the body seems and feels contorted. During the swing it wants to come back to its normal position/straighten itself resulting in pulls. Obviously very different from swinging over the IP or as in fade to the left of IP.

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  • From Shing Tan on Fade fine tuning

    Shawn, I’ve got a pretty fundamental question that has been bugging me for a long time. A fade IS over-the-top and an out-to-in path…. right? For context, I know how to draw the ball, but with the ball position back of centre i actually find myself chunking it (ground before ball) from time to time, even though i remind myself to stay with the shot and commit to the arc blur passing right of IP – I think it is a levels issue (any thoughts?). Conversely, I find it way easier to play a fade – ball more forward, I almost feel like swiping across the ball to the left of IP and I can put in a good whip/sling, but it DEFINITELY feels OTT to me. Is that supposed to be the way, or am I getting this wrong?

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    Can you do a video on velocity or is there a video that talks about it more? It comes up a lot and I just would like some clarity. Thanks!

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    In concept, for a curve to the left, when ball flight starts right of IP, I can’t help but to imagine an impact point (club on ball) that is a dimple or two toward the golfer. As opposed to an impact point at the exact rear of the ball (looking along the target line). Just like when kicking a soccer ball. You don’t mention this, so perhaps the concept not all that helpful or accurate? (Perhaps the danger of swinging at rather than through.) Thanks.

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    Hi Shawn, question about draws. I find that to draw the driver I will need an extremely strong grip (face closed 45 degrees or potentially slightly more), any weaker and i will push the ball right along the intended start line but it wont curve back left. The issue with such a strong grip is that at address – in order to maintain a square face to the ball, my lead wrist feels very tension-y due to it being so flexed. I know from your videos that you guys (including Mu, Sav) have their lead wrists set that way at address but it DOES feel weird for me. (on the other hand, fades are way easier since my grip doesn’t need to be that strong.) Is this something I will just need to get used to? I know the other way is to have a not-so-strong grip but think about releasing/ turning over the wrists earlier in the swing in order to close the club face for impact, but i suppose that involves some timing and i assume you are not a fan of that approach 😂

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    • From Shawn Clement on SLICING & PULLING SERIES - PART ONE

      Hi Shing! Yes you are close; things will evolve some more for you; the “important release update” video is key and when you get that feel, it will take some pressure off the need to have a super strong grip. However, if you are hitting high draws, there will be a need to close the face as the higher you go, the more it opens the face. Sav and Mu are used to angle of attacks of 10 degrees up and this affects the face big time. Every 2 holes on course, you should do some “release drills” to help keep the feel of RELEASING THROUGH close by and this will help.

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      Thanks so much, let me work on that release. I also had a question on your older “fade fine tuning” video – appreciate it Shawn if you could help clarify there too!

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    Shawn, when doing the feet together drill, I am hitting fat. Do you still have to be doing the task of throwing the club to the target to make center face contact. In other words, do you want this drill to produce a divot out front, just like in a normal shot? Thanks

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  • From Ryan Logsdon on Football Drill

    Hi Shawn,
    With the baseball/football throw having that slight step with the lead leg, do you think it would make sense to incorporate into someone’s actual golf swing? Seems like it’s most natural with how most people throw a ball or swing a bat but you never see anyone actually do it with their golf swing. Saw a video on Padraig Harrington do it the other day and it got me curious. Curious to hear your thoughts!

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  • From Mark Stoyanovich on The Finish

    Unfortunately I’m not really impressed. Your site is just a list of videos. I’m looking for a structured video tutorials on how to learn the golf swing from scratch

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    • From Shawn Clement on The Finish

      Hey Mark! This is why I recommended the beginner series and the wisdom 2.0 series to start; the way we do things is light years ahead of the standard PUT THE STRING BACK ON PINOCCHIO AND TAKE THE ATHLETE COMPLETELY OUT OF THE HUMAN. As soon as you have felt that you have accomplished the simple task of cutting dandelion stems into the direction of the intermediate point with some nice momentum, then you send me a couple clips of what you are doing from face on and down the line and I will recommend the next series of videos in the order you should do them to get to your next level. THERE IS NO ONE WAY TO LEARN GOLF!!

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    Where is info on setup- straight left arm?? Stance?? Width of stance?
    Elbow position??

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      You are talking about the “put the strings back onto the perfectly made Pinocchio?” This would be the regression of the century! You are not defective and cannot do anything wrong; once the grip is in place, and you start cutting grass with your grass whip, things will fall into place naturally. You don’t have to instruct a lumberjack to use an axe or a carpenter to hammer a nail. Notice college kids go into construction jobs for the summer and learn on the fly the day of? And notice you never lise that skill?

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  • From amarjot Bedi on ALLOWING FOR FLOW IN THE SWING WISDOM 2.0

    This is Gold.
    All this while when I tried raising my back foot and planting it to start the swing etc, it was all over the place.
    This video gives clarity to it all.
    The part – I’m in my follow through, (and the feel of being forward), then planting the back foot , going to the ground, kick starting the back swing, made everything fall into place. The most awesome shots I hit with the driver and 3w today. Its early days though, but totally worth it, I even paused at the top ever so slightly.

    Also did keep a swing thought of my right elbow being a little closer and inward rather than letting it fly and face away, stopped the pulls I was hitting completely.

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    • From amarjot Bedi on ALLOWING FOR FLOW IN THE SWING WISDOM 2.0

      Getting awesome contact and distance, and Accuracy! Experimenting with two things that happen when I do the movement before takeaway.

      • This is the same for both where I get into the feel of follow through so its like I am braced against the forward leg, my trail foot’s heel is raised.
      • 1. There is a ever so small pause after planting my trail foot before I start my take away
      • 2. But every now and then I feel the planting of my back foot and my swing starting at the same time. To me this feels that I sway a tiny bit before I pick up my club.

      Gonna try and hit a few balls with both methods and see what results I get.
      The key to raising the back foot was getting into the feel of the follow through with the forward leg, its like weight goes there and then everything feels as if one is in motion even though one isn’t moving.

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    • From Shawn Clement on ALLOWING FOR FLOW IN THE SWING WISDOM 2.0

      Option 1 is much better! This is the distinct activation of the kinetic chain into the backswing. 👍👌

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    shawn, i was curious what your thoughts (or critique) are on the stack & tilt way of swinging. where the weight is forward and stays forward, the centre of the circle (or low point) is at the front foot, such that having the ball just behind lead foot would still produce a draw because the path is still in-to-out at the point of impact. it seems to be what some instructors are preaching out there. thought i would pick your brain on this – i know the wisdom in golf task-based approach is quite different!

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    • From Shawn Clement on SLICING & PULLING SERIES - PART TWO

      Hi Shing! I did an extensive study with them 10 years ago and Here are the acid tests that would make their techniques obsolete: uphill shots, downhill shots, ball above the feet, and driver. They went from 2 tour players to 20 and then 2 years later back to none. Yes, every technique has some good nuggets, I learned a better way to work the ball through them but that is where it ended. Too many positions, too many manipulations, too much video analysis.

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  • From Jukka Kymalainen on SLICING & PULLING SERIES - PART TWO

    Still waiting snow melting here in Finland, but after that i will try this 🙂 If you have time, it would be interesting here some Wisdom history. I mean what make you change from that straight “hold” release to full release. Where you invented those hammer gravity drills etc… Not many teacher is talking gravity, weight or falling.

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    • From Shawn Clement on SLICING & PULLING SERIES - PART TWO

      Understanding the fundamental view of what creates tension in the swing and the “pre-motor cortex series”
      when you are getting ready to guide the swing to the target vs “letting momentum release you in the direction you want to start the ball and letting the set up bring the ball to the target effortlessly; both mental and physical; like you were simply a witness to momentum already on the way there and you say hey! If that happens, there will be a good shot! Then it’s easy to let go of control because you have made a prediction that you like!

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  • From Scott Carter on IMPORTANT GRIP UPDATE

    Tried this out and gained a lot more distance 20+ yards on a 7 iron. Problem is I’m not pulling to the left of hitting the mat then ball which i need to nip in the bud! Any tips?

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    • From Shawn Clement on IMPORTANT GRIP UPDATE

      You bet! See “contact mile markers” and feel where the low point needs to be at address without over tilting back; when you over tilt, you place the ball too far forward and pull and scrape… also see “alignment reload” as a very important reset for side vision in the set up.

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    hi. just joined so not sure if this is where i ask a question but here goes….ina few videos you were talking about closing the club face at address and then when you get in position the face becomes square…. is that what you do on shots where you are looking for more distance? thanks

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    • From Shawn Clement on FRICTIONLESS BACKSWING

      Hi Peter! If the face is not closed enough, then you will leak out and give away a ton of distance; see the first couple videos in the “consistency series” for that as well as the “important grip update” video and the “goldilocks series” in the “grip and club face relationship video.

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  • From Peter Mies on UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM SERIES: PART 3 - Open & Closed Face

    Hi…..so can I close the face down but then when I take my stance with the natural tilt the face squares up even though I have not changed my grip…..is this what you are referring to.? I know that if I open my face I will move the ball right and if I close it will move left. I think I’m missing something

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    • From Shawn Clement on UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM SERIES: PART 3 - Open & Closed Face

      You are very close! The key is when you let the momentum deliver your task in the direction you want to start the ball and the speed is past the ball, and the ball curves in the air the way you want, then you have the right combo. Staying with the direction is key! Make sure you see that blur of club stay that way!

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