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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Jason Tolbert

I think I just had an “Ah ha” moment with the perpetual motion drill. Instead of allowing the machine to keep in sync in a natural flow, my body was rotating early and wasn’t allowing the arms to clear through causing inconsistent and criss cross patterns. You have to concede control and let the arms come back down in a natural fashion. Only took me a year of watching your content! Sometimes you have to hear the same messages over and over before it finally clicks.

Shawn Clement

Woohoo! There is some serious wisdom in this comment!👍😀💪🤘🫶


I have same issue. Any tips?

Shawn Clement

See “Arm Swing vs Body Turn” video


Hey Shawn, question regarding perpetual motion drill. When I do this, I see the blur tracing the arc on the through swing appropriately. But, when I swing back into my backswing from the finish position, the path of the club is all over the place. Most of the time, it seems like its coming outside in. What I mean is, it doesn’t trace the arc coming back. I hope that makes sense! Any help/thoughts you can provide?

Shawn Clement

Yes, it means that you are controlling the swing and not letting the arms fall into the backswing; see the “release” videos and the 4 first videos in the 2020-21 off season training series. There is a snap in both directions; you are cutting through bamboos in both directions!!

Richard Silverio

Hi Shawn,

Love the videos. I’ve been playing golf for 15yrs with a neutral grip. With all your impressive videos I saw on youtube, I decided to give your grip a shot. I was amazed. On my first outing to the range I immediately gained 20 yards on all my clubs! Not the driver yet though lol. As a reference, I used to hit my 7i 160yard, but now I hit it 180! Your tennis grip analogies is what had me convinced. To many, the service grip just doesn’t make sense, because it feels awkward. I played college tennis and was Nationally Ranked in my 20’s and 30’s, I’m now 49. What’s unique is with the strong grip my arms feel heavy, with the neutral grip I couldn’t really tell what my arms or hands were doing. Now it sometimes feels like I’m switch hitting (I’m right handed). My question is this; I’ve noticed that on many of my videos I have a tendency to stand up at impact, like I’m getting out of the way of my arms. Do you feel that’s distance to ball or lack of throwing the club to the target? Thank you for sharing such great tips!
Best Regards,
Rich Silverio

Gregg Carr

I like this video very much. The arc of the swing and where the club bottoms out is hard for me to visualize. My buddy’s swing when he rehearses always has the club bottoming out past the ball. When I swing it always is at or before the ball. What can I do to correct this. Sorry for being so wordy

Shawn Clement

When you make your practice swing, you want to send that divot of grass TOWARDS THE TARGET! Not just make an empty headed practice swing while looking at the grass! See the “task update” and “kinetic chain facilitation series” #6! See from the drone view how the divot ALWAYS STARTS FROM CENTRE OF STANCE towards the target when your focus is to deliver the turf over the intermediate point towards the target! 👍😀

Jim Long

Loving the premium site content, Shawn!

Is it possible to …
1) add the playback speed controls to the videos
2) add a personal tracking feature that marks videos that I have watched
3) organize the videos in each section in the recommended order of viewing

Thanx, and have a great 2022!

Shawn Clement

There are some limitations to our site and the video system is provided by Vimeo, one of the top companies and they have not upgraded their players in a while; would be great if they could!

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