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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Philip Graves

Hi Shawn,
After watching this video in addition to your advice on completing the turn, I finally feel like I could emulate your move when you stop at the top of the backswing and hit a ball from there (and I feel like I have much more control through the swing). Is there any benefit to doing this ‘stop at the top as a drill’ as a drill to really reinforce that sense of structure and balance in the whole swing?

Philip Graves

Ha, I tried working on this and was getting 10-15 yards more on each club because my kinetic chain is now connecting. My 7 wood carried 215 yards by the end – 230 yards total, and my driver was up to 270 (and straighter than previously). I need to work on this drill more!! Thanks Shawn


Very helpful. My question is what are you throwing to the target? Is it the club head, the handle of the club, the club like a javelin? It looks to me like you are throwing the club longitudinally toward the target and this might explain the great compression you get. I occasionally get it too, but often do not.

I know that I should be throwing clubs around to experiment, but I live in a city and room to safely throw clubs around at high speed is problematical and perhaps criminal and in any case surpasses my ability to risk being a violator of society.


Apologies for the spelling of Shawn I have a nephew that spells it the Irish way.


Hi Sean,
I over swing my backswing and collapse with left arm bent and seem unable to stop this for years. How do you know when you are at the top of the backswing.. I understand what you are teaching and the gravity feel but I seem to keep swinging it into a collapse.
I have even tried to keep my left arm rigid but can’t stop it bending eventually. I suspect I am not turning enough but you do not mention a top of backswing position but do at finish. I would love a 3 /4 swing with a 5 year guarantee. I do enjoy your novel way of teaching but I am struggling with backswing consistency. and hence hitting the ball a severe mixture of really good and pretty awful and on a handicap basis I’m swinging between 4 and 44 – Demented.


Hi Shawn, could you please explain why you hinge so much in the backswing? I am more a Stricker kind of guy and do not hinge so much. Is there an advantage in hinging more or is it not important?

Thanks, Hauke

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