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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Lance Dirk

Been watching your videos for years and new to the premium channel so maybe you’ll cover it later but; how high do I take the backswing? The club feels weightless and I have good flexibility so I’m not really sure where to stop going up. Too far up causes more distance for the arm club unit to travel which opens up more room for error. Where’s the sweet spot?


Hi Shaun, Is it the body that swings the arms by using the ground? Really enjoy the videos but still unertain so I’m trying to get the basics right. Kind regards, Eric

Shawn Clement

Hi Eric! Yes, we are using the weight of the arms and club to deliver our task in the direction we want to start the ball; see “kinetic chain facilitation series” and “kinetic chain series” as well as “backswing levitation” and “using the weight in your swing-axe drill with Savy”

Christopher Calabria

Should we be letting the arms drop at the top of the backswing and then shift weight over? Or hands drop?

Shawn Clement

When you let the arms fall through towards the target, the brain has to grab the ground with the lead leg and turn the body out of the way to let the arms pass through. See “kinetic chain series” and “kinetic chain facilitation series” and “unstoppable momentum series”

Chris H

The pro I take lessons from a wants me to work on this specifically , so Once again you’ve explained things that resonate with me. Will be practicing this tomorrow. I need more turn in my swing. It’s great but still need more turn. Thanks Shawn

Shawn Clement

Yes sir! One of the nice drills for this is the axe drill; see “using the weight in your swing-axe drill with Savy” video and really feel that you are ALLOWING the legs to be USED in the backswing to heave the arms and club away and into a nice levitation up the rib cage. See “backswing levitation” as well!

Larry Cole

Shawn , I’ve video taped my swing and on my backswing I’m swinging to flat and to the inside of lifting the club , the first third of the swing looks ok but I’m laying the club off badly at the top ( plus over swinging like before lol ) any advice or drills ?

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