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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Paul Gibson

Love this revisit to the grip. It helped me eagle the 6th yesterday from 60 yards, one bounce on the raised tier and in the cup!

Let’s just say my betterball partner was happy with a 5 pointer!

I played the front 9 level par as well, my best ever front 9 and for 17 handicapper great progress!

Shawn Clement

Ohhh yeah! Congrats on that fantastic milestone! 😀👍

JD Seamons

Great video Shawn! A wonderful reminder about the importance of the grip. I’ve been trying to get the different shot shapes (I’ve watched several of the videos) to work by playing with how open or closed the face is (grip face relationship) but am not having much luck.

pretty much everything wants to move right (fade), even when I’m setup for a draw. Seems like I can only get the ball to move left when I have the face extremely closed. Then its just a huge hook.

I open the face up gradually but then I’m back to no movement or left to right. I probably just need to send in a video for analysis. Thanks for all you do and for sharing your wisdom!

Shawn Clement

When you hook, pay attention to where the peak speed of the swing is; if at the bottom, THAT DOES NOT COUNT!! Keep the very closed face and deliver your action well past the ball into the direction of flight! See “throwing the club” and “predict contact” and “target confirmation series” and “stick your finish despite the ball! Then see “draw fine tuning”

JD Seamons

Thank you!

Lyle Goodman

Excellent review for us that have been with you for awhile and great introduction for anyone new. So easy to get a little sloppy with the grip, thanks.

Bruce Shanks

Great Video Shawn, I’m having success with irons when I brace and tilt to go towards the target. However, fairway wood and driver I’m getting off plane. Please demonstrate this with the woods.Thanks

Bruce Shanks

Thanks Shawn, I will study those videos.


That was an incredible video! Keeping the grip in place thru impact is a constant issue for me. All my poor shots have that in common. I then look at “staying in the shot” but if the grip is faulty to begin with, it’s not going to stay intact through impact?

Shawn Clement

Correct! When a student shifts his or her hands at address before they start the swing it is because they are not clear about what they are about to do with the ball. When you are clear about the task, and you KNOW that if you stay with the task that the ball will do what you want it to do, then you will stop shifting.
The way through this is to match the set up to the task and confirm through the “goldie locks series” that the set up matches the picture, and then you must stay with it and let it go and SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO. MAKE AT LEAST 5 DELIVERIES THROUGH AND OUT INTO THE PICTURE AND SEE A PATTERN OF FLIGHT FIRST.

Then you can make modifications to the set up and then continue delivering the task without interfering. It is the only way forward!

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