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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Theodore Inoue

The single handed drills with either arm feels great, I get fast smooth action and a good whoosh well past the center. But when I use two hands, my arms struggle against one another. I loose a lot of speed and the release becomes really awkward. At times with the club when hitting balls, I find I have to let one arm go limp and just “hold on for the ride” while the other does all the work. What can I do to get the arms coordinating better?
I have shorter than normal arms and feel like when locked together in a grip, they just have no freedom of movement.

Shawn Clement

Hey Theodore! My arms are short as well! The best drill ever for release is the “important release update” video; none of my students fail this one after 3 tries; there is no way for the lead hand to stay on the trail hand if it does jot learn how to YIELD. Simply amazing drill!!

Theodore Inoue

Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll give it another view.
I did a bunch of videoing and also found that my arm motion changes as I add swing weight (turning the club around to normal after swinging with the head in my hand). It was subtle, but I can see that with the club weight, I’m unconsciously holding my leading elbow to my side causing all sorts of bad counter-effects – extension at the ball, weird follow-through body motion etc. I need to reprogram myself to let the lead arm swing more freely.

Shawn Clement

What you need to find out is what is preventing you from delivering your task to the flight plan and short circuiting you. See “goldilocks series” and get that checked out fully and then see “stick your finish despite the ball” and see what happens to the ball when you stay on task and it will give you the pattern you need!

here are the non-negotiable items:
Here is the Pre shot routine’s non negotiable items: 
1-Best option for shot
2 rules: 1-Release into safe direction and 2-No strain required to execute your shot

2-Choose flight plan-what line do you want to start the ball and what line do you want to end? (include roll out) 

3-Choose intermediate point; can be straight on or slightly off line, as long as it’s easy to see and well into your peripheral vision (6 to 12 inches in front of ball only) 

4-Confirm alignment of momentum-get ready to see the blur of the path of the club and match it to the ball and intermediate point and prepare to make the ball a PRECISE INTERSECTION on the way through the IP into the flight plan! 

5-Confirm ball position matches the flight plan and the direction you want to start the ball.

6-Confirm distance to ball and see that when you let momentum ride through the blur through ball and IP that you don’t feel the need to reach out from being too far or hold on from being too close and you can let it ride

7-Confirm Grip club relation; see that you know it will curve the way you want to in the air once you allow the momentum to release you through the arc-blur into the flight plan through ball and IP 

8-Confirm levels with relaxed and engaged legs; legs are ready to heave the arms and club into the backswing that would match the direction of the flight plan; and feels like you are ready to allow that solid dose of momentum to ride through the arc-blur through the ball and IP into that flight plan

9-Ready? Where is that dose of momentum? Witness the shot that is being played out for you; you have done your homework and it’s time to get out of the way and let it happen with full abandon; the glue that holds EVERYTHING together is the staying with the direction of flight.

10-once you have confirmed that you stayed with letting momentum execute task through blur of club into flight plan it’t time to observe: 
11-scale of 1-5 how free was it and did you stay all the way through with direction? 
12-what is pattern of flight?
13-how is contact pattern
Solutions for these patterns that result from your shots:
Pulling and slicing pattern
-alignment reload
-blur of club and arc blur series
-goldilocks ball position
-important grip update
-goldilocks grip and club face 
Hooking and pushing pattern
-using the weight in swing-axe drill with Savy
-backswing levitation
-Battering ram and Shawn’s New Favourite
-goldilocks grip club
Thin and top and toe pattern
-feet together and back to feet apart
-kinetic chain facilitation and engagement
-Alignment reload
-arc blur and club blur
Fat and shank pattern
-target confirmation series
-stick finish despite ball series momentum
-kinetic chain facilitation
-goldilocks distance to ball
-football drill series 
Toe shots driver and fairway woods
-Diagonal stance series
-Distance to ball goldilocks 
Heel shots driver and fairway woods 
-blur of club
-arc blur series
-hammer throw driver
-goldilocks distance to ball

Matthew Costello

Was playing around with this feel today practicing (can you tell my competitive season is over? lol) and I noticed something. There’s basically one spot that it releases in both directions. After “getting out of the way” back, I noticed if let the lead hand release sooner (for me, I tend to hang onto it and release late at times), almost from the top of the backswing, I was puring the ball about 10-15 yards farther.

So get out of the way back, and then slash that bamboo shoot from the top. I filmed it and by feeling that I could still see the kinetic chain engage, and my arms were much more synced to my pivot. Valid feel for someone who tends to hang on and hit it with the face slightly open?

I also noticed that by doing this, the weight of the club balanced me in my swing. Good by slight early extension, hello a faster rotation with less effort.

Flukey one off? Or is that feeling of getting the back of the hand back to the ball and then back behind me sooner a good one for my miss?

Shawn Clement

Exactly what needs to happen! Check out PMD drill series; listen to where gravity wants to release you in the backswing! You just hit a great nugget buddy! 😀👍

Matthew Costello

Yeah…I just hit 9/9 greens in regulation and shot even par today w this feel. Wow. This has been the golf season of my life and I’m going into the winter w a rock solid foundation.

Thanks for all the help, coach!

Shawn Clement

How much fun is that! Pure fun right there, congrats on that round! 😀👍💪

Justin Harris

I just sent you a few clips of my swing to review, but as I watched them myself, I realized I early extend at the ball and even start rolling my wrist at the ball with the club very closed, I feel like I’m throwing at the target and I’ve tried most of the release drills, just can’t break the habit, look forward to the feedback on the video

Shawn Clement

Hey Justin! Just sent you the analysis; you are releasing at the ball because of a change in centre forward in the downswing and because you are pushing off the right side instead of falling back into the left side from behind, you are getting ahead of the ball and then have to hurry up and release before you miss it. Enjoy the analysis!

Philip Kwasinski

As I watch this it appears hips and shoulders are only rotating 75° degrees on back swing and then full 90° on follow thru, is that correct? Also we should be aiming for wrist cock (on snuff boxes) and minimize wrist hinge (bowing of left wrist) correct?

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