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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

He and his team will show you how to play to your full potential with our Online Golf Lessons Academy...

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Sébastien EBALARD

Hey Shawn,
How do you use an axe with chipping?


Shawn Clement

See the latest video on “momentum already there before you hit the shot chipping” and see what I do with the sledge hammer! Same with axe!

Aaron Dixson

Hi Shawn, love the feeling of this drill, it feels like I am forced to generate momentum and pull the axe down on plane and use my legs then body.

Shawn Clement

There you go! This is the fundamental feel of kinetic chain engagement; congrats! Next is “kinetic chain facilitation series”👍😀

Joe Smits

Hi Shawn! I have been really loving all your great premium content since I joined earlier this month! I have one quick question. When I’m gathering the club up in my backswing, I’ve noticed that my trail heel comes off the ground some. Is that okay or should I try to keep my trail foot down?


Shawn Clement

Hey Joe! No, this is not good as it means you are out of balance; I see this a lot with golfers trying to “make sure” to keep the head down in the backswing or turn the shoulder under the chin or whatever positional distraction you may have that prevents your machine from performing.
1-do some feet together drill (see video)
2-then see “feet together back to feet apart”
3-see “perpetual motion drill series”
4-see “balance mile markers”
Very important question you sent!! This will help a lot of golfers who have the same issues!! So thank you for that. Shawn

Robert Sanders

Another interesting video! I am still baffled as to where the speed in the swing comes from? Sav doesn’t look like she drops down, or squats.

Shawn Clement

Hi Robert!
see “kinetic chain series” and “kinetic chain facilitation series”
you will understand how awesome the body is after that!

Edmund Butler

Hi Shawn – great video. With the axe drill, and similar, are you elevating the arms going back or do the arms follow the body rotation?

Shawn Clement

Hi Edmund! ARMS NEVER FOLLOW BODY ROTATION. They are completely independent and are swinging freely on the direction you want the ball to start on. The body rotation is what allows the arms to be able to swing with freedom in the direction of the ball flight. Think of a punch in boxing, the arm is going to the opponent as the body is turning out of the way. Go down the list of videos by date and see “arm swing vs body turn” and also see “hammer drill” which is another way of looking at it. VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION YOU HAD, SO THANK YOU FOR POSTING IT!

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