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What is Wisdom in Golf

Shawn Clement, one of the top 20 youtube teachers and the only one recognized for teaching without body part or positions, drives the ball over 300 yards both right-handed and left-handed and breaks par from either side, and is also the only one who ever qualified and played world-ranked events with 1/2 left and 1/2 right-handed clubs in the same bag! He is the ultimate expert on golf instruction!

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“Th re-hinge is what guaranteed that I stayed with the picture”. This is an amazing insight for me, to take off “the ball as a default”. Today during my practice session, I hit 10 drives towards the toe. I watched your YouTube on “Stop toeing your shots” and I know that at some point, I was defaulting to the ball. My last thought was throw the club when I started the back swing. But my mind went blank (overload?) by the time I got to the top. By throwing the club to the re-hinge, I immediately made centre contact. Great stuff!!


Great videos!


Hey Shawn. Focussed on the follow through rehinge on the range before playing this morning. Just as an add on, once i had completed what usually would have been the full swing, instead of stopping i swung back through my intermediate point to a full backswing. Just like the “out of the way out of the way” perpetual motion I found that my practice shots felt more solid and accurate where the rehinge allowed me to then go straight into a backswing. I also felt no manipulation since the brain was refocusing on grooving the swing over the intermediate point, both towards the target as part of the shot and then after the rehinge. I guess this is similar to the walking routine concept but specifically concentrating on the rehinge and what I’m calling recoil. Just thought I’d pass this on as it helped me to establish what was a good rehinge against a poor one. I realise this probably won’t work with helicopter finishes though. Regards Steve

Tristan Bexton

Man this is the stuff I’ve needed! The rehinge/deep release pull ties in perfectly with choice of trajectory (since that determines where the rehinge & release pull happens). I’ve been using the axe drill before shots to feel the proper tilt and swing direction – it’s actually fantastic for those things as well as feeling holding center.

Tristan Bexton

LOL just watched the 2nd vid and you mention the axe drill right away! really good for that swivel/braced tilt/behind the ball feel.

Jon R

I seem to have wandered into a real bad case of the snap hooks. From the driver on down. Shots are weak, start at the target and then rotate left (and down) violently. It seems like my hands have gone crazy. Too strong a grip? What else to review?

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